Well, you all know how I did not get into the Beta, but we have here someone who did. His name is Autumn Thread from the NeoGAF forums. And he is nice enough to give us some details and screenshots. Enjoy.
- The combat is really f**king cool, there's different lobbies, each named after an MGS character ; Snake, Otacon, Liquid etc (yeah, 95% of the people are in Snake lobby).
- It's rather annoying to change to first person mode (L1+triangle) especially when you're fighting people. The box has made a return! It's pretty funny that I managed to kill quite from a cardboard box that totally didn't fit in with the environment.
- There are only two maps in the beta. One looks like the arctic and the other is something like the middle east that we see in the trailers and gameplay footage.
- Voice chat is supported as well as typing. To bring up chat window is left or right on the d-pad.
- To change to the position on your back once laying down is triangle, tapping triangle and holding the joystick in whatever direction will allow you to roll in that said direction.
- Grendaes are cool, so are stun knifes.
- No slow down, solid frame rate.
- The camera control can be customised in the options menu, at first it was a pain. You can invert etc and if you so wish, have it player controlled entirely.
- Difficulty wise, it's not hard to get the hang of at all. It took a bit of 'mashing' to find out how to roll onto the back of your character
- The visuals are 'nice' but they seem to be a bit unpolished right now. I can't imagine MGO seeing the same presentation as MGS4 (I guess due to the restrictions that come with an online game?) but yeah, still very very nice. The character models are very detailed too.
- There are stat rankings I think (I haven't really looked too much into it but looking at a screenshot I took, i see alot of 0000's next to alot of the players names followed by emblems). More interesting is the way you can customise how your character performs. Think of it something like the talent system in World of Warcraft I guess, you can alter how fast you run, skill with certain weapons and whatnot.
- Some interesting things happened in a match I hosted. For one, I saw the power of the claymore first hand, people go flying, whilst burning. It's a really nice looking explosion.
- This isn't something related to the game mechanics or whatever but some crazy ass player joined my game and actually killed people by sneaking up on them, strangling them until they were blacked out (you have an oxygen metre under the health bar) and then would proceed to head shot them. Crazy.
Reading this just gets me more excited for the game and I can't wait. He was also kind enough to post up the controls:
PlayStation Buttons
X - Crouch > Crawl Positions (while running: diving roll)
O - Reload Ammo
Triangle - Standing: Salute (spreads this aura thing around to local team-mates, it’s like a blue mesh so you can see them behind walls etc) crouching: point emote (?)
Square - Toggle Autoaim
Left & Right: Toggle Display of Chat Window
Control Sticks
Left - Move Character, Right - Move Camera
R3 - toggle over shoulder view in aim mode from left to right.
Shoulder Buttons
R1 - Fire
R2 - Secondary Fire while in aim or toggle weapon menu
L1 - Aim
L2 - Toggle Item Mini Menu
Anyway, here are the screenshots:

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