Whoever said to wait till a game is released to make a sequel? Eidos didn't. They've not only have a film of Kane & Lynch coming out, but they're spending more on advertising it than they did on Tomb Raider: Legend and they've already got a sequel in production, Kane & Lynch 2.
Talk about thinking ahead.
[Via Kotaku]
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Eidos Spending Big On Kane & Lynch, Sequel Already In Development
Posted by
10/04/2007 11:59:00 PM
Tags: Eidos Interactive, Io Interactive, Kane and Lynch: Dead Men
Ouch! IGN Scores Go! Sports Ski a 2.1/10
IGN usually always seems to be honest with their reviews. This one is no different. The threw a grenade, ran away, and exploded on this one. They gave Go! Sports Ski a 2.1 out of 10.
Presentation - 3.0Read the full review at the link below.
There are a number of very questionable aspects, like the Emblems system and the barren amount of content.
Graphics - 4.0
The characters look okay (arguably), but the mountain can look pretty bad at times.
Sound - 4.0
Like the amount of content, there's not much here.
Gameplay - 2.0
The controls suck. There are only two mountains. The snowy weather option is stupid. And, the controls suck. They're bad enough to mention them twice.
Lasting Appeal - 3.0
With only two courses, this is as bare-bones as it gets.
(out of 10 / not an average)
[Read: Go! Sports Ski Review]
Posted by
10/04/2007 10:37:00 PM
Tags: Go Sports Ski
Dynasty Warriors 6: Two New Scans
Here are two new scans of KOEI's Dynasty Warrior 6 coming soon for the PLAYSTATION 3 and Xbox 360 consoles. Enjoy the scans.
[Via SimGames]
Posted by
10/04/2007 09:03:00 PM
Tags: Dynasty Warriors 6, KOEI, Scans
Imagine Merges PSU3 With Play Magazine
Imagine Publishing has announced that it is merging its PlayStation Magazine, PSU3, with Play, effective immediately.
Acording to a press release, the decision was made after examining the magazine market, which "has not seen the significant growth shown by Xbox 360 titles." Imagine does not see the PlayStation magazine market improving in the short to medium term.
"The fact is that the PlayStation market is at an all-time low and this has been reflected in the sales of PlayStation magazines," said Nick Jones, editor of Imagine's PlayStation titles.
"With a lower than expected PlayStation 3 installed user base, no price reduction of the hardware, and few triple-A games until much later next year, we have taken the decision to merge PSU3 with Play and focus on our most long-standing games brands and also our new launches."
UK-based Imagine Publishing, formed in 2005, publishes 20 magazines and 20 websites in the videogames, computing, entertainment, and photography markets.
The consolidation comes only days after Future announced that they would be publishing an official PlayStation magazine in the US.
[Via GamesIndustry]
Posted by
10/04/2007 08:37:00 PM
Quake Wars: Objective: Teamwork HD
The team that works together best will have the definite upper hand in this war zone.
[Via GameTrailers]
Posted by
10/04/2007 07:41:00 PM
Tags: Activision, Enemy Territory: Quake Wars, iD Software, Splash Damage
Snakeball: Trailer 2 HD
Score big by gliding across the disco dance floor and collecting as many balls as you can and drop them in to the goal. Enjoy.
[Via GameTrailers]
Posted by
10/04/2007 07:40:00 PM
Tags: PlayStation Network, Snakeball
Games Radar Scores Folklore an 8/10
Games Radar's review for Folklore is in, and they gave it an 8/10. Being the second site to compare it to Pokemon makes you not want to take it seriously, but give it a read. Here are their final thoughts.
You'll LoveYou'll Hate
- Many, many ways to kill
- Stunning visuals
- Keats' rage attack
- Gameplay is very linear
- Camera and targeting co-exist poorly
- Too much text-based dialogue
Posted by
10/04/2007 07:33:00 PM
Tags: Folklore, Game Republic
Scott Hettrick Interviews Kazuo Hirai of SCEI
Scott Hettrick of Hollywood In High-Def had a quick little interview with Kaz Hirai on blu-ray, and video, music, and such on the PlayStation Network.
HiHD: Sony and PS3 detractors dismiss Blu-ray is just another proprietary Sony format that will not succeed any better than previous Sony proprietary CE formats dating back to Betamax.[Via Hollywood In High-Def]
HIRAI: In our eyes, we wanted to provide developers with the absolute biggest canvas on which to create their games. We could have gone with the 9 GBs of DVD or the 30 GBs of data on an HD DVD, but why would we, when we had 50 GBs of data on the Blu-ray Disc? I think its success as a delivery vehicle for games has already been proven. As for movies, I think it (is) really hard for any studio or retailer to ignore the fact that there are already millions of Blu-ray players in the world in the form of PS3. That is the kind of installed base DVD only dreamed of when it launched and before we debuted PlayStation®2.
HiHD: What are your thoughts on movie downloading options for Xbox 360 vs PS3?
HIRAI: Increasingly, consumers are looking for new ways to access and enjoy entertainment. Downloading content from the comfort of your living room is now a true, viable option. PS3 already offers downloadable games and gaming content. We are now reviewing options for other content to be delivered through PLAYSTATION®Network, including music, movies, and TV, all of which can be found in the Sony family of companies.
HiHD: What are the primary erroneous points of information/misconceptions out there in blogger-land about PS3 in general and vs Xbox?
HIRAI: I have heard many people say our competitors’ systems are just as powerful as PS3. That simply is not true. No other next-generation entertainment system pushes the envelope on advanced technology like PS3. I have heard people say that a high-capacity game delivery vehicle like Blu-ray isn’t necessary in a next-generation computer entertainment system. You just can’t expect that the 9 GBs of storage capacity found on today’s DVDs are going to have enough space to hold tomorrow’s games. Developers have already pushed the DVD to its limits in terms of space used. We had games like ‘Resistance: Fall of Man’ coming in 16 GBs at launch. That game simply wouldn’t be possible on any other system without using multiple discs. There is no doubt in my mind that you need more capacity on discs for truly next-generation gaming, and Blu-ray gives us that space.
HiHD: What is the long-term viability/future of physical disc media versus online/virtual?
HIRAI: The disc is not dead. Far from it. For many years to come there will be a place at the table for disc-based content in the world of entertainment. It is about offering consumers options. Some may like the convenience of downloading a game at home, while others will always want the experience of going to the store and talking to the clerks and other consumers about the games they are interested in. Whichever way a consumer wants to receive their content, we want to have a solution.
Posted by
10/04/2007 07:27:00 PM
Tags: Blu-ray, Kaz Hirai, PlayStation Network
Lair: Japanese TV Spot
Another reptilian beast is about to hit the shores of Japan. Now view it's Japanese TV spot, and enjoy. Hopefully it will have a bigger impact on Japan that it did on North America, for it's own success.
[Via GameTrailers]
Posted by
10/04/2007 06:37:00 PM
Yakuza: Kenzan! Japanese Trailer
Posted by
10/04/2007 06:36:00 PM
Tags: Sega, Yakuza: Kenzan
PLAYSTATION 3 Brand Campaign Kicks Off
PlayStation.Blog's Kim Nguyen writes:
"Hey everyone, I’m Kim Nguyen, Marketing Manager for PLAYSTATION 3. This is my first post and I’m happy to report that the PS3 brand campaign officially kicks off this week with our online campaign. The first of many banners will appear today and run through December. In a nutshell, the theme of this year’s campaign uses computer animation to model key PS3 iconography in a black onyx world. Phew, yeah, that’s a mouthful. Better yet, why don’t you see it for yourself. This link takes you to the “Blu-ray” banner and is just the beginning with lots more to come. Stay tuned…"The ads actually look quite impressive, when you hover over the title, the PlayStation 3 starts to blend with the game, with people and trees and what not popping out. Check out the link she provided, or take a look at the image to the right.
[Via PS.Blog]
Posted by
10/04/2007 06:29:00 PM
Tags: PlayStation 3, PlayStation.Blog, Sony Computer Entertainment
Need For Speed ProStreet:: Online Features Trailer
Get ready for a whole new level of competition with these exciting new online modes and features in Need For Speed: ProStreet. Enjoy the watch.
[Via GameTrailers]
Posted by
10/04/2007 06:27:00 PM
Tags: EA Games, Need For Speed ProStreet
Soldier of Fortune 3: First Gameplay Video
Activision has revealed the first ever gameplay video of Soldier of Fortune 3: Pay Back, the long-dormant, ultra-violent first-person shooter for PC, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360.
[Via DailyMotion]
Posted by
10/04/2007 05:29:00 PM
JP PlayStation Store Update for October 4, 2007
The update for the Japanese PlayStation Store for October 4, 2007 has gone live. View the update below.
Games[Via NeoGAF]Demos
- Go! Sports Ski
Downloadable Content
- Agarest Senki demo
Game Videos
- Agarest Senki DLC
- Warhawk videos
- TGS 2007: Angel Love Online trailer
- TGS 2007: PixelJunk Racers trailer
Posted by
10/04/2007 04:42:00 PM
Tags: PlayStation Network, PlayStation Store, Record of Agarest War
RockStar Upset With The Simpsons Game
You'd think that developers would relish the chance to get mocked by some of the minds behind The Simpsons Game, which includes goofs on popular games like Neverquest and Medal of Homer. Unfortunately, it seems that not everyone is in on the joke.
CVG reports that some of the game's content had to be pulled because the companies were unhappy with the way their licenses were being tweaked. The only company called out by name is Rockstar, which reportedly asked during Leipzig that a poster featuring Grand Theft Scratchy be removed. The article does mention that the Harmonix staff got a kick out of posters for Sitar Hero, though why they'd be OK with others making fun of Guitar Hero at this point in their careers is beyond us.
[Via JoyStiq]
Posted by
10/04/2007 04:20:00 PM
Tags: Rockstar Games, The Simpsons Game
Army of Two: Teamwork Trailer
Army of Two's new trailer shows that when your out there, you need to focus on one thing, Team Work. Cause' out there, thats what makes the difference, between winning and losing.
[Via IGN]
Posted by
10/04/2007 04:15:00 PM
Tags: Army of Two, EA Montreal
Angel Love Online: Japanese Trailer 2 HD
Q Entertainment's upcoming free MMO Angel Love (out for PC, coming to PS3) is going to be a free download. And it's not getting the proper attention it deserves. When you go to the store (when it's available) and see the words "FREE", wouldn't that attract you? Enjoy the second Japanese trailer in HD.
[Via GameTrailers]
Posted by
10/04/2007 04:07:00 PM
Tags: Angel Love Online, Q Entertainment
Tori Emaki & Mezmerize: Two New PlayStation Network Games
Sony has been working hard lately on games that use the PlayStation Eye to function. Here we have two new upcoming games to show you, Tori Emaki, and Mesmerize.
First, Tori Emaki. Using an art style reminiscent of the beautiful Okami, Tori Emaki allows the player to gently guide a group of crows over a papery Japanese landscape. It’s one of the most tranquil experiences we've had in a long time. Wherever you point on-screen the crows will follow, delicately weaving their way around cherry blossom trees and drifting peacefully in and out of focus on an invisible breeze...
It's, like, beautiful, man, and the perfect partner for wasted weekends. Lift your heavy lids and - slowly - point your eyes at the movie below to absorb the vibe.
Second, Mesmerize. Mesmerize calls for a tad more physical exertion than Tori Emaki, but rest assured space cadets - energy expenditure is still kept to a bare minimum. This interactive experience features 10 different settings, each one providing its own visual stimuli triggered by gentle gesticulation. Most ambient and easily engaging for those post-club sessions.
As a package, Mesmerize looks like being an extremely laidback affair with no goals or point scoring to oppress and totally bum the vibe. Turn on, tune in and watch the Mesmerize movie below. Remember - free your mind and your hands will follow.
[Via Games Radar]
Posted by
10/04/2007 03:47:00 PM
Tags: Mesmerize, PlayStation Eye, Sony Computer Entertainment, Tori Emaki
Sony Drops Price of PlayStation 3, 40GB Model By Christmas
Straight from Pocket Link.
Sony will announce tomorrow that has bowed to consumer pressure by not only reducing the price of its 60GB console, but also creating a 40GB version priced at £299 to go up against the Xbox 360 Elite.
Confirmed by multiple sources in the games industry in the UK, Pocket-lint has learnt that Sony Europe will officially drop the price of the games console in the UK by £56 to £369 in an attempt to boost sales ahead of the Christmas rush.
"We are currently under strict NDA, however that NDA runs out in the next 48 hours", a retail source told Pocket-lint.
As part of the deal the newly introduced value pack, which included an extra controller and games, will be phased out, Pocket-lint has been informed by multiple sources within the industry.
"Although we aren't sure when in October it's happening we are aware that the price will drop to £369, with shops probably selling for £349, and a 40GB model launching as well to compete against the Xbox 360", a major games publisher told Pocket-lint.
In attempt to offer an even more compelling alternative to the newly launched Xbox Elite, Sony has also said it will be launching a 40GB "Core" version.
As previously rumoured, the new PS3 console will still feature the Blu-ray drive as standard, come with 40GB hard drive, Wi-Fi connectivity and a SIXAXIS controller, but it will lose two of its four USB slots and the memory card reader.
It will also lose the backwards compatibility chip, although this isn't likely to affect UK customers, as in Europe backwards compatibility is done via software.
The rumours of the new unit, which were broken by Pocket-lint last month, means that if you include the cost of buying the Wi-Fi adapter and HD DVD drive to the Xbox Elite, the move means the new PS3 will be £160 cheaper, although you will get a bigger hard drive with the Xbox.
The price will also make it one of the cheapest Blu-ray players available in the UK.
"Sony is clearly hoping to make a comeback against the Nintendo Wii, which is currently outselling the PS3 four to one", an industry insider told us.
[Via Pocket-Link]
Posted by
10/04/2007 03:43:00 PM
EU PlayStation Store Update for October 4, 2007
Here we have the EU PlayStation Store Update for October 4, 2007.
DemosIf anybody is angry, you have a right, because so am I. Where is the Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 demo Sony?Game Videos
- Bladestorm: The Hundred Years' War demo
- Clive Barker's Jericho demo
- Skate demo
- Stuntman: Ignition demo
- Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 launch trailer
- Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 moves trailer
- Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 control trailer
- Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 aiming trailer
- Haze (gameplay interview)
- Snakeball (trailer)
- Blast Factor
- flOw
Posted by
10/04/2007 07:21:00 AM
Tags: Bladestorm The Hundred Years’ War, PlayStation Network, PlayStation Store
GameTrailers: Folklore Scores a 7.2 out of 10?
The second review for Folklore is in, and it's from GameTrailers, giving it an alright score of 7.2, which is odd compared to the 9 that it received on IGN. View the review above.
[Via GameTrailers]
Posted by
10/04/2007 07:17:00 AM
Tags: Folklore, Game Republic