A new trailer for Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII shows off all the action that your going to be seeing in the upcoming PSP title. While displaying Zack and Angeal, you can't help but get that rushing feeling in your heart. Enjoy!
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII: Zack and Angeal Action
A new trailer for Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII shows off all the action that your going to be seeing in the upcoming PSP title. While displaying Zack and Angeal, you can't help but get that rushing feeling in your heart. Enjoy!
Posted by
1/17/2008 11:55:00 PM
Leisure Suit Larry: Box Office Bust Hitting PLAYSTATION 3
Yeah, we really don't want to report this at all. For all we know, Leisure Suit Larry games suck. But your our audience, and you may want to know this.
Leisure Suit Larry: Box Office Bust is the perfect name to define the gaming franchise considering it's horrible. In this upcoming title, Larry is doing summer work at his uncle's movie theater doing weird jobs and looking for a mole who wants to destroy his uncles privacy be airing the studio's dirty laundry.
We will "try" to have more on this title as information comes in.
[Leisure Suit Larry hits PS3, boasting Box Office Bust]
Posted by
1/17/2008 09:55:00 PM
Tags: Leisure Suit Larry: Box Office Bust, Sierra Entertainment
Blue Is Blu: Wal-Mart Goes Blu-Ray Exclusive
It seems that another nail has been hammered into the coffin. Apparently, Wal-Mart has gone Blu-Ray exclusive to DVDs and players according to a new CNN report.
Are we just weeks or even days away from HD-DVD vanishing completely?
[Via CNN]
Posted by
1/17/2008 08:12:00 PM
Dark Sector: Weapons Trailers
Digital Extremes have released a plethora of new trailers for the upcoming action game, Dark Sector. The new trailers show off the various weapons in the game, such as your shotgun, mini-gun, sniper rifle, and of course the old west style hammer 1895 gun. Enjoy!
Posted by
1/17/2008 06:31:00 PM
Tags: D3 Publisher, Dark Sector, Digital Extremes
X-PLAY: First Prototype Gameplay Footage Revealed
The latest episode of X-PLAY featured Sierra Entertainment's upcoming open world title, Prototype. This is the first gameplay shown, and the city does seem a bit buggy, but fear not, it's a 2009 release and it's bound to look better. Enjoy!
Posted by
1/17/2008 05:37:00 PM
Tags: G4TV, Prototype, Radical Entertainment, Sierra Entertainment
Pirate Scurv Dogg: The Upcoming PAIN Character
Well, you know if the creators of PAIN are bringing a Ninja over to the game as a playable character, they need to bring over a pirate too, right? Well, they are working on a pirate just as well. This pirate's name is Scurv Dogg, but also known as S-Dizzle. Throwing this guy around the city is going to be one heck of a time.
Other than another character, the creators of PAIN are wrapping up the testing with the upcoming Fun With Explosives single player mode. The Ninja Hung Lo is nearly ready to launch (out of my slingshot) as soon as the testing is complete.
They hint at a new cheerleader or nurse character coming as their new poll states "What's Hotter? Cheerleaders or Nurses?". Next post, Travis will be updating us on the upcoming Amusement Park level.
[Via PAIN]
Posted by
1/17/2008 04:59:00 PM
Tags: PAIN, Sony Computer Entertainment
US PLAYSTATION Store Update: January 17, 2008
GamesTheres the update. I'll be downloading the Turok demo for sure. What about you guys?Demos
- Mesmerize: Trace ($1.99)
- Tori-Emaki ($1.99)
- Blast Factor Bundle ($12.99)
- Turok demo (free)
- FIFA Street 3 demo (free)
Game Videos
- Rock Band Songs
- "Action" by Sweet ($1.99)
- "All the Small Things" by The Monkees ($1.99)
- "Last Train to Clarksville" by Blink 182 ($1.99)
- Motorstorm Double Track Pack ($2.99)
- PixelJunk Monsters trailer (free)
- Syphon Filter: Combat Ops trailer (free)
- Lost Planet trailer (free)
- Brothers In Arms: Hell's Highway trailer (free)
- Dynasty Warriors 6 trailer (free)
- Borderlands trailer (free)
- PAIN Ice Tea Theme (free)
- PAIN Ed T-Bone Theme (free)
- Mesmerize Theme (free)
- Tori-Emaki Theme (free)
- Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Theme (free)
PLAYSTATION Store Worldwide
Posted by
1/17/2008 04:41:00 PM
Crysis Really, Actually, For Real, Coming to PLAYSTATION 3?
Rumors of a PLAYSTATION 3 version of Crysis have been going around for quite a while now. Insiders at the Crytek studio are revealing that Crysis is in development for PLAYSTATION 3. They describe it as a port of the PC version with some extra modes and features, sort of like a Crysis 1.5.
Just like the PC version, you can expect beautiful visuals and an open world shooter. If this is true, that means you can expect many great shooters for PLAYSTATION 3 this year, including KILLZONE 2, Resistance 2, HAZE, Crysis, and more.
They state for tecnical reasons, they were not able to develop a version of Crysis for the Xbox 360.
[Via Games Radar]
Posted by
1/17/2008 04:34:00 PM
Tags: Crysis, Crytek Studios
Bionic Commando: Rearmed: Debut Trailer & Preview
The upcoming remake of the 2D Bionic Commando that is coming to the PLAYSTATION Store we brought to you yesterday has been renamed for the United States. Instead of Bionic Commando: Master D Revival Plan, its being called Bionic Commando: Rearmed. Now we have teh debut trailer. This downloadable remake of the classic game features new visuals and extra features. View the interview with Ben Judd at the link below, revealing more information.
[Ben Judd Interview]
Posted by
1/17/2008 04:29:00 PM
Tags: Bionic Commando: Rearmed, Capcom
Sony Already Prepping PLAYSTATION 4? Backwards Compatible?
Sony Computer Entertainment may just be already prepping up the PLAYSTATION 4.
GameFront is reporing that Sony Computer Entertainment of Japan is advertising for a software engineer job to deal with backwards compatibilty for the PLAYSTATION 3 and an unnamed next-generation console. PLAYSTATION 4 maybe?
The job specifically states the engineer will need to be able to implement and optimise emulation software for PSone, PS2, PSP, and PLAYSTATION 3 games on both formats.
With only a year into the life of the PLAYSTATION 3, you can hold off on this for a few more years.
[Via Gamer.TM]
Posted by
1/17/2008 04:24:00 PM
Tags: PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Sony Computer Entertainment
EU PLAYSTATION Store Update: January 17, 2008
A semi-alright update for the European PLAYSTATION Store as two sports demos comes our way. I'm definitely going to check out the FIFA Street 3 demo. Full content list below.
DemosEnjoy the update!
- FIFA Street 3 demo (free)
- NBA 08 demo (free)
Game Add-Ons
- Guitar Hero III: Warner Track Pack (£3.99)
- Guitar Hero III: Die Fantasichnevier Pack (£1.49)
- Guitar Hero III: Extreme Oduro-Sopayaso Pack (£1.49)
- Guitar Hero III: Trust-Anti Social Single Pack (£1.49)
- Folklore: Visions of the Tower Expansion (£1.49)
Game Videos
- Gran Turismo 5 Prologue trailer (free)
- Brothers In Arms: Hell's Highway trailer (free)
- Borderlands Debut trailer (free)
Theatrical Trailers
- Cloverfield trailer (free)
Posted by
1/17/2008 04:16:00 PM
Kojima: Three More Projects On the Way
In last week's Kojima Productions Report, the host Ryan Payton, stated that if the packers won the NFC Divisional Playoff game, he would get permission to announce something new in the works. Well, the Packers made their touchdowns and won the game, and upheld his end of the bargain in this week's podcast.
At the end of the podcast, Payton announced a couple of announcements that are coming (I know, weird right?). He says that Kojima Productions is working on three other projects to come this summer.
Unfortunately, he was not able to get permission to name at least one of these three titles. But this sure is exciting for Metal Gear fans.
[Via Ripten]
Posted by
1/17/2008 04:11:00 PM
Tags: Kojima Productions, Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
Turok Demo Hitting EU PLAYSTATION Network on February 7, 2008
While the Xbox Live Marketplace received their Turok demo on Tuesday, seems Propaganda is making owners of the EU PLAYSTATION 3 wait.
A lot of users were expecting a Turok demo to arrive today, as was I, but it seems that not the case. Disney Interactive confirmed today that the PLAYSTATION 3 demo is coming on February 7, 2008.
My advice for the developers: get them both out at once.
[Via PS3 Attitude]
Posted by
1/17/2008 04:05:00 PM
Tags: Europe, PlayStation Network, Propaganda Games, TouchStone, Turok
Shonen Jump Features New Final Fantasy XIII Scans
[Via Forever Fantasy]
Posted by
1/17/2008 07:24:00 AM
Tags: Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Final Fantasy XIII, Scans, Square Enix