User Tryll1980 of MediaFire put together a download spot for all the currently made and released PLAYSTATION 3 XMB themes.
The site is very resourceful, and you can download them straight to your PLAYSTATION 3. The only disappointment is no preview images for the themes.
If your willing to download and try them without a preview, then go ahead and visit the site. The TinyURL for the site is "" if your visiting with a PLAYSTATION 3 and don't want to type the long ass URL.
[Download: PS3 Themes]
Saturday, November 10, 2007
PLAYSTATION 3 Themes At Once Place
Posted by
11/10/2007 11:35:00 PM
PlayHastings: 60GB PS3 for $399 After Rebate

PlayHastings is currently having a deal where you receive a $100 mail in rebate with a $500 purchase of a 60GB PLAYSTATION 3. But to make the deal even sweater, they are throwing in your choice of a second SIXAXIS controller or a copy of Ninja Theory's Heavenly Sword.
Head over to the site to check out the deal.
[Via PlayHastings]
Posted by
11/10/2007 10:54:00 PM
Tags: Heavenly Sword, PlayStation 3, Sony Computer Entertainment
Condemned 2: Three New Screenshots
Posted by
11/10/2007 09:08:00 PM
IGN Reviews Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga
"If you were hoping that The Complete Saga would push the series into new territory, you'll be disappointed. At its best, the game is a well-polished collection of a pair of quickly-ageing gems. At its worst, it feels a tad stagnant, and we hope TT's upcoming LEGO-based games, LEGO Batman and LEGO Indiana Jones take the idea in a fresh direction. So aside from the camera controls, not-so-snappy studs and some problems with pacing in a handful of places, Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga is a solid game, and one of the rare titles on Xbox 360 and PS3 that the family can safely sit down together to play. If you've waited until now to try Lego Star Wars, this is definitely the game to buy. If you've already visited this far-away snap-together galaxy, you've probably seen it all before."Read the full review at the link below.
[Read: Lego Star Wars Review]
Posted by
11/10/2007 11:34:00 AM
Uncharted: Demo Walkthrough
If your playing Naughty Dog's recently released Uncharted: Drake's Fortune demo and your stuck, take a look at this walkthrough, maybe it can give you a hint on what to do.
The demo is available at the PLAYSTATION Store now, so if you don't already have it, give it a download, it is now playable worldwide, meaning no more region protection.
Posted by
11/10/2007 11:31:00 AM
Beowulf Preview Trailer
A new preview trailer for Ubisoft's upcoming action title, Beowulf. Sea serpents, giant crabs and carnal rage! Beowulf is on his way!
Posted by
11/10/2007 11:29:00 AM
Day Note: Sister's Birthday
To: onAXIS Readers
From: onAXIS Administrator
Subject: Sister Turns 4!
Good news for me today, bad news for you. I'm taking a drive to Philadelphia today to spend the day with my little sister on her fourth birthday, and watch her rock out the Princess Guitar that I picked up for her.
Unfortunately, for you, and for the site, you may have to deal without news until tonight. As you know, I am a one man team running the site, and I do all the news posts on the site.
Once again, sorry. =[
Starting Stories for November 10, 2007
Naruto PS3 Quality Trailer
Dust Voiding PS3 Warranty?
HL2 for January 2008
Check This Out!
Posted by
11/10/2007 11:24:00 AM
Naruto: PS3 Project: Quality TGS 2007 Trailer
We may have seen a low quality crappy version of the Naruto: PS3 Project trailer around the time of the Tokyo Game Show 2007, but now we have a high quality trailer that cannot get any clearer. Enjoy.
Posted by
11/10/2007 11:22:00 AM
Tags: CyberConnect2, Namco Bandai, Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm, TGS 2007
Dust Voids PLAYSTATION 3's Warranty?
He received a box, and sent it in, and checked up on it about five days later. He called them up and they tell him that the PLAYSTATION 3 is too dirty to be replaced. The PLAYSTATION 3 has sat in his media center for the past eight months.
I don't know about you, but my PLAYSTATION 3 gets pretty dusty from time to time, so I brush it off, and put it back. But the PLAYSTATION 3 is a natural dust magnet, so to not replace it because of that is really a stupid thing.
[Via Consumerist]
Posted by
11/10/2007 10:53:00 AM
The Orange Box Pushed to January 2008
A has just revealed in its latest European release schedule that The Orange Box on PLAYSTATION 3 has been delayed again. The Xbox 360 and PC versions have been in stores since early October, but the PLAYSTATION 3 version would release 'a few weeks after that', according to Valve.
In the latest trailers Valve promised that the PLAYSTATION 3 version would be in stores in time for the holidays. Apparently Valve ran in to some more trouble with the PLAYSTATION 3 as The Orange Box on the PLAYSTATION 3 is now scheduled for release on January 17, 2008. A specific reason for this delay was not given.
There is no confirmation if this is only for Europe.
[Via GFData]
Posted by
11/10/2007 10:08:00 AM
Tags: EA Games, The Orange Box, Valve Software