In a new IGN interview, he tells that Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots is the last real Metal Gear Solid game he will direct. "I really don't want to say that this the final game or this is the wrap up," he told IGN. "But if I don't say it, people will make me create MGS again!" Its obvious that Kojima wants to move away from Metal Gear Solid and make new games (hopefully for our PlayStation 3's) that we can enjoy. "So I have to say, 'Die, Snake,' and really end it so I can move on to something else!"
That doesn't mean, however, if Snake dies, thats the end of the game forever. "Actually, it's a game, so even if Snake dies, the game can live on." He states that it can live on in other ways than a game. "Maybe it'll be a novel or a comic – I do have some ideas." he said. "However, I have to say that I'm not going to do everything if we were to create it. Maybe I'll just produce or maybe design the game and just act on that role, so I won't be the total creator of that series if it happens."
Whatever he decides, I'm sure we can all respect his decision and thank him for bringing us some of the best games ever created.
[Hideo Kojima wants, needs Snake to die]
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Hideo Kojima Wants Snake Dead
Posted by
4/02/2008 11:16:00 PM
Tags: Hideo Kojima, Kojima Productions, Konami, Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
Warhawk: Operation Broken Mirror Trailer
A new trailer for the upcoming Operation Broken Mirror expansion for Warhawk surfaced today. The trailer displays the features of the expansion: the Vaporfield Glacier battlefield, the APC that carries up to 6 passengers and sports a turbo boost, and the Electrostatic Plasma Ordinance Disruptor allowing allies to shoot outside of the portal but enemies cannot shoot inside. Good looks Incognito, good looks. It is coming to the PlayStation Network April 17, 2008, the day of our store revamp.
Posted by
4/02/2008 10:33:00 PM
Tags: Incognito Entertainment, Operation Broken Mirror, Sony Computer Entertainment, Warhawk
Rainbow Six Vegas 2: Xbox 360 "X" Button in PlayStation 3 Version
D. Sommerville of PSN@Home turned on his Rainbow Six Vegas 2 on his PlayStation 3 to find that during his outfitting, a blue Xbox 360 "X" button was clearly visible instead of the correct PlayStation 3 button. It seems that the online mode in the game wasn't the only thing that Ubisoft messed up on the PlayStation 3 version.
[Xbox 360 " X " button in Rainbow Six Vegas 2 on the PS3 ?!?!]
Posted by
4/02/2008 10:05:00 PM
Tags: Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2, Ubisoft, Ubisoft Montreal
HAZE: New Multiplayer Videos
HAZE is finally going to release next month, and we are anxiously waiting. Some new multiplayer videos have surfaced today on IGN. The game is looking sick, and the red and yellow theme of the game makes it shine. Enjoy the videos!
[HAZE Multiplayer Videos ]
Posted by
4/02/2008 09:58:00 PM
Tags: Free Radical, HAZE, Ubisoft
SEGA Details Iron Man Upgrades
In anew post over at IGN, Iron Man Game Director Jeffrey Tseng explains the way the upgrade system will work. For every mission you complete, you'll get a wad of cash. The better you perform, the better upgrades you can buy for your armor. Before every mission, you can choose to swap out some of your parts for new ones, or leave them the same. You can swap out repulsors, core systems, power cores, thrusters, and auxiliary weapons. The game is gearing up to be a good one.
[Iron Man: The Suit Makes the Man] [Kotaku]
Posted by
4/02/2008 09:49:00 PM
Tags: Iron Man, Secret Level, Sega
Saints Row 2: Co-Op Video Interview
In a new video interview with Saints Row 2 Lead Designer, James Tsai, he shows the cooperative mode of the game. The whole game can be played with a friend, regardless of whether your friend is ahead of you in the game, or your ahead of him, you can always go back. He mentions the fun of it is going on a complete criminal rampage in the city. He says in the near future, they will be showing off their new competitive multiplayer modes. Enjoy!
Posted by
4/02/2008 09:17:00 PM
Tags: James Tsai, Saints Row 2, THQ, Volition
NCAA Football 09 Game Features
EA Sports has released a list of features for their upcoming NCAA Football 09 on the official website for this year's game. They promise more details in the coming weeks, but this is what we have for now.
[NCAA Football 09 features]Wide Open and Authentic College Style Gameplay
* Bigger holes, cutback lanes, and open receivers, making the game feel more wide open than ever before
* Directional pump fake on the R stick
* New college specific tackling engineHome of the 12th Man and Home Field Advantage with new mini-game components
* Pre-play confusion and difficulty making adjustments when on the road against tough teams
* All new toughest places to play with dynamic rankingsAll-new Mascot Mode with User Controlled Celebrations
* Mascot Games
* Interactive TD celebrationsCollege Atmosphere
* All-new Dynamic Crowd System
* College sidelines are packed with additional players, mascots, cheerleaders, and more
* All-new authentic fields with new textures, lighting, and field degradation
* New college player models, including more than 50 alternate uniforms
* User Customizable Stadium Sounds & Music
* Breakaway crowd reactionsDepth & Innovation
* Online Dynasty is here!!!
* Roster file sharing online
* Improved recruiting system in Dynasty mode highlighting ease and accessibility
* New post game presentation and play by play commentary
* 1-4 player offline co-op
* Return missed field goals
* Bluff your play art to confuse opponents
* Formation audibles
* Smart routes
* Bobble catches
* Better passing control
* Post play continuation
* All-New Mini Games
* Random play selection in practice mode
* Quick replay
* CPU vs. CPU (watch mode)
* Smooth 60 FPS on PS3
* Even teams option in play now
Posted by
4/02/2008 09:13:00 PM
Tags: EA Games, EA Sports, NCAA Football 09
Pandemic Working on New Batman Game
IGN has posted that Pandemic Studios, now under Electronic Arts, are working on a new Batman game on the realistic side (meaning, not LEGO Batman). They are guessing that the game will be based on the upcoming movie, The Dark Night, as are we. It makes sense, both the game and movie are releasing in July. Knowing Electronic Arts, this will probably be coming to the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii, PS2, PSP, and DS.
[New Batman in the Works] [PlayStation Beyond]
Posted by
4/02/2008 08:35:00 PM
Tags: Batman Next-Gen, EA Games, Pandemic Studios
Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X Announced for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC
Ubisoft has today announced the upcoming Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC. The game is in development by Ubisoft Romania and is based on air combat. H.A.W.X takes place in the year 2012 with over 50 different planes to soar the skies with. The area is controlled by private military companies with the world upon global conflict. The game supports jump-in cooperative throughout the campaign mode with up to four players in total. There is also a versus mode where 16 players can battle for experience points and in-game cash. Lets hope this is better than Ace Combat 6, even though that is eventually coming to the PlayStation 3.
[Ubisoft Announces Air-combat Game HAWX for Xbox 360 and PS3]
Posted by
4/02/2008 07:33:00 PM
What Do You Want to Know About SOE's The Agency?
We've managed to score an interview with Sony Online Entertainment on their upcoming PlayStation 3 spy-action MMO, The Agency. We are going to put this interview live once the new site opens as one of our first features.
So now we ask, what do you want to know about The Agency that you already do not? We will be taking the best 15-20 questions and quizzing Sony Online Entertainment with our Q&A. Go ahead, shoot your questions in the comments.
Update 4/5/08 1:24am: The Q&A has been sent in. Stay tuned for the new site launch to see your answers.
Posted by
4/02/2008 07:14:00 PM
Susan Panico: Home to be Public Very Soon
The newest issue of PlayStation: The Official Magazine features an article from Susan Panico, the Senior Director of the PlayStation Network. At the end of the article, she s tates that, regarding Home, "Plus, the application is free to download, so the consumer has everything to gain in a robust, 3D community. We'll be opening up the Home Beta to the public very soon and hope to see you there". There you have it, it's coming soon. Possibly with the new store redesign?
[Playstation offical magazine....talks about home (UPDATED PICS)]
Posted by
4/02/2008 07:07:00 PM
Tags: PlayStation Home, PlayStation Network, PlayStation: The Official Magazine, Sony Computer Entertainment, Susan Panico
Metal Gear Solid 4: 26 New Screenshots
Posted by
4/02/2008 04:45:00 PM
Tags: Kojima Productions, Konami, Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, Screenshots
DUALSHOCK 3 Coming Soon, SIXAXIS to be Discontinued
Who needs a SIXAXIS when you've got a DUALSHOCK 3, right? The new controller going on sale soon in North America will have your hands vibrating. A Sony representative confirmed today that the SIXAXIS is to be discontinued: “SIXAXIS will no longer be offered after it’s completely sold through at retail (likely by the summer timeframe).” We knew it was coming.
[Sony Non-Shocker: Sixaxis Discontinued]
Posted by
4/02/2008 03:52:00 PM
Tags: DUALSHOCK 3, PlayStation 3, Sony Computer Entertainment
New PlayStation Store to not be Region-Locked
The new PlayStation Store coming in the next two weeks is looking great. One of the questions asked although was "Will we still be able to access other region stores to get the newest content off their networks as well?". The answer, thankfully, is yes. An SCEA rep "confirmed that no changes to the store will be made as part of this revamp relating to region locking". Good to hear, I still need to download that Yakuza 3 demo.
[New PlayStation Store not region locked]
Posted by
4/02/2008 03:46:00 PM
Tags: PlayStation Network, PlayStation Store, Sony Computer Entertainment
Metal Gear Solid 4: New JeuxVideo Preview Reveals More
A new preview from JeuxVideo revealed some more on the upcoming GOTY, Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. Lets get to the breakdown.
- There are cutscenes that last 30+ minutes.
- Nanomachines play a big role in Metal Gear Solid 4, they contribute in a sense to the change of how war is fought. The author can't be more specific though.
- All cutscenes are real time.
- Some cutscenes are controllable. For example: during the briefing in the second mission, you can choose different camera angles.
- Some graphical elements make the game come to life: birds flying over, cables swaying in the wind, a lot of explosions, etc.).
- Still a lot of aliasing but nothing serious.
- Still some framedrops but a lot better than it was at TGS 2007.
- Explosions, fire and smoke effects are amazing.
- You really think you are on the battlefield, thanks to the ambiance and sound in the game (a lot of credibility in the environments).
- Synchronisation in speech not perfect yet, but Kojima promises it will be in the final version.
- New animations (Snake reaches for his shoulder sometimes because he's in pain), new CQC movements, rolling barrel is a great addition.
- Solid Eye and MKII have a battery that will autocharge when not in use.
Posted by
4/02/2008 01:38:00 PM
Tags: Kojima Productions, Konami, Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
DualShock 3 In Stores Next Week: Compatibility List
North America will finally be receiving the DUALSHOCK 3 next week with vibration. A new PlayStation.Blog post reveals which titles in the States will be rumble-ready. Upcoming titles will feature an icon displaying whether the game has rumble or not as well, which isn't really necessary as games should already contain rumble when they are released. That is how it should be.
[Feel the Shock Next Week]
Posted by
4/02/2008 01:33:00 PM
Tags: DUALSHOCK 3, PlayStation 3, Sony Computer Entertainment
Warhawk v1.3 Patch Now Available for Download
The newest patch for Incognito's Warhawk was released today, and can be downloaded on the network now. The newest patch contains the below.
- Bio-Field Emitter (Creates a zone of healing for allies and a zone
of damage for enemies)
- Mechanic Field Wrench (can be used to repair allied vehicles
and turrets as well as damage enemy vehicles and turrets)
- Integration of Contest Winner Insignias and Paint Schemes.
- .50cal turret targeting enhanced.
- Point value update for CTF defend and flag-carrier kill.
- CTF Sudden-Death trigger fix.
- Disabled CTF Flag throw/drop functionality.
- New VOIP Functionality *HOME Game-Launching.
Enjoy the update.
[Warhawk v1.3 Released]
Posted by
4/02/2008 01:25:00 PM
Tags: Incognito Entertainment, Sony Computer Entertainment, Warhawk
King of Fighters XII: Arcadia Scans
Posted by
4/02/2008 06:38:00 AM
Tags: Arcadia Magazine, King of Fighters XII, Scans, SNK
April Fools Watch: “Killzone: Wrath of Hakha” Unveiled
Supposedly, a new PlayStation Network game is coming called KILLZONE: Wrath of Hakha in May 2008. The game will resolve around Hakha, and how he came to change sides in the war.
The game is to use a modified version of KILLZONE: Liberation's gameplay, with up to twenty Helghast on screen. The game is to be supported with DLC as well, with a few episodes coming out before KILLZONE 2's release.
Take it with a grain of salt, once again people.
[“Killzone: Wrath of Hakha” Unveiled]
Update: April Fool confirmed.
Posted by
4/02/2008 06:35:00 AM
Tags: Guerrilla Games, Killzone 2, KILLZONE: Wrath of Hakha, Sony Computer Entertainment
Star Ocean IV: New Famitsu Scans
- Character designs for Edge Marverick and Remy Saionji revealed.[Famitsu: Star Ocean 4 platform remains undecided]
- CG shots from the trailer.
- Some town shots that look like they might be realtime.
- Interview with the Square Enix producer, and Gotanda.
- Gotanda isn't directing Star Ocean IV this time, he's just a supervisor and responsible for the original story concept.
Posted by
4/02/2008 06:25:00 AM
Tags: Famitsu, Scans, Square Enix, Star Ocean IV, tri-Ace