Seems a lot of games that are coming to the PLAYSTATION 3 that were originally on the Xbox 360 are getting it's "we are sorry" messages from the developers.
Capcom's upcoming Lost Planet: Extreme Condition will include Luka, the game's female leader, as an exclusive playable character for the PLAYSTATION 3 version of the game. Combine that with a playable Frank West and Mega Man already in the game, and we got a winner.
[Via FileFront]
Friday, January 11, 2008
Lost Planet for PLAYSTATION 3 to Feature Luka as a Playable Character
Posted by
1/11/2008 11:35:00 PM
CES 2008: The PSP Is Also Having an Exciting 2008
GameTrailers interviews John Koller, Sr. Marketing Manager for Sony Computer Entertainment of America, about the PSP. They are very excited for this year of 2008 as the PSP will be having a lot of great releases such as God of War: Chains of Olympus and Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII. The PSP is also launching a new GPS system and Skype phone system that gets him excited as well. Enjoy the video!
Posted by
1/11/2008 11:05:00 PM
Tags: CES 2008, John Koller, PSP, Sony Computer Entertainment
PLAYSTATION 3 Production Costs Half The Price Now
If anybody doesn't know, when the PLAYSTATION 3 was first released, Sony was loosing money when they sold them. Meaning the more they sell, the more they loose.
A BuisnessWeek report on the recent Blu-Ray success claims the PLAYSTATION 3 only costs around $400 to create now, which is half price of the $800 it cost them to make it a while back.
[Via Kotaku]
Posted by
1/11/2008 10:39:00 PM
Brutal Legend: Three New Screenshots With Site's Opening
Posted by
1/11/2008 10:35:00 PM
Tags: Brutal Legend, Double Fine Productions, Screenshots, Vivendi Games
Army of Two: Combat Trailer
After a time period that seems like it was forever, EA Montreal has released a new video of the upcoming cooperative based game, Army of Two, coming to the PLAYSTATION 3 and Xbox 360. This new video teaches the three C's of soldiering: Combat, Camaraderie, and Cash.
Posted by
1/11/2008 05:44:00 PM
Tags: Army of Two, EA Montreal
Armored Core: For Answer: Japanese Trailer
From Software has released a new video in Japan for the upcoming PLAYSTATION 3 and Xbox 360 title, Armored Core: For Answer. The cinematic in the video looks great, but will the gameplay?
Posted by
1/11/2008 05:40:00 PM
VIKING: Battle of Asgard: Five New Screenshots
Posted by
1/11/2008 04:00:00 PM
Tags: Screenshots, Sega, Viking: Battle of Asgard
Street Fighter IV: Five New Screenshots
Posted by
1/11/2008 03:54:00 PM
Tags: Capcom, Screenshots, Street Fighter IV
Final Fantasy XIII Information Coming in the Next Dengeki
This months issue of Dengenki's PlayStation magazine doesn't contain any new Final Fantasy XIII information. However in this months issue it states that next month's will have "the latest information on all the Final Fantasy titles" including Final Fantasy XIII.
Hopefully it will cover some of the things we weren't able to see at the Jump Festa.
Posted by
1/11/2008 03:52:00 PM
Tags: Dengeki, Final Fantasy XIII, Square Enix
Square Enix's Main Platforms: PS3, Wii, DS
In a new interview with Square Enix, they speak about their main platforms for making games. They like the success of the Wii and they believe that the PLAYSTATION 3 and the Wii will coexist between boths strategies. Read below.
- If there is a merrit cooperating with Microsoft we will do this. We might give some projects to separate studios and make games for the X360.[Via NeoGAF]
- The Main Platforms for Square Enix are the Nintendo Platforms and PS3. The Lionshare of the Developers and our infrastructure as well as our capital is for NDS, Wii and PS3 and this is not going to change.
- We are astonished by Wiis success and the nintendo dominance. We thought that the PS3 and the Wii will coexist due to the difference between both strategies, but in the end the users will decide which platform we develop on. The SCE Platforms at this point are a bit of a challenge.
- We think we can do much on the Wii. I talked to Iwata to exploit many possibilities and cheer on him.
Posted by
1/11/2008 03:49:00 PM
Tags: Nintendo DS, Nintendo Wii, PlayStation 3, Square Enix
Resistance 2 Revealed In GameInformer
The magazine breaks down what they know. First off, Resistance 2 is huge in cooperative play, with an 8-Player story-driven campaign along side a single player campaign.
GameInformer describes it as “It is, in short, a tour de force for the untapped might of the PlayStation 3″
The game's main character, Hale, is shot down in Iceland and escapes to the United States to become part of a program called the Sentinels.
There is a new vehicle called the Chameleon, who are stalkers with total cloaking ability. That means sneaking up on your enemies will be better than ever.
The game features classes now as well, unique characters with one of three basic templates. Those being tank with heavy weaponry, special ops for distance, and medics.
Online goes up to 60 players per match, talk about an epic battle. Seriously, can anybody imagine it? 60 players online on a console game. It's crazy. It focuses on squad vs. squad.
The game logs into small 4-to-8 man lobbies for each squad in the game. The game community has faster matchmaking t han any 2007 console game, full feature profile pages, social networking concepts incorporated, and an open clan and party ststem to encourage the community.
The game really taps the power of the PLAYSTATION 3, with more enemies onscreen, better looking AI, better lighting and shades, more compilers, and more textures that look simply stunning.
“Our time playing was a blast”… each character class contributes in a unique way and “we loved the strategy-laden medic”… unique sense of teamwork
“Resistance 2 will be too epic to dismiss as anything but one of the biggest, boldest, and most high-reaching titles of 2008. It’s a game that won’t be ignored.” GameInformer writes in their article.
So now we are getting Resistance 2, KILLZONE 2, and HAZE as exclusive shooters in 2008. Which are you going for? [From PS3Blog]
Posted by
1/11/2008 03:30:00 PM
Tags: Insomniac Games, Resistance 2, Scans, Sony Computer Entertainment
Eric Lempel: PLAYSTATION Network Boss Talks Future
In a new interview with Eric Lempel, boss of the PLAYSTATION Network, Next-Gen gets some answers on the netwrok.
Of course, the first thing Eric mentions is that the users can have a great online gaming experience for the price of nothing.
Eric goes on to speak about user created content. “We do embrace user created content, and what they are doing with UT3 is going to be a great experience for PS3 users. Consumers who create content for UT3 on their PC can bring that content, and use other consumers’ content, into their PS3 version of UT3. This is really a great way for users to be empowered with creating the levels and games that they want to play, and you don’t need to be a coder to do it. I think LittleBigPlanet will be another situation like that, where users can create, play and share their levels with others. This is the start of something big, something that’s never been done in console gaming. This concept is something that is going to help further define some of the differences between PS3 and the other consoles.”
On Home, he says the developers are working on many great features for it's launch, so we need to be patient.
Finally, Eric goes on to speak about additional featuers for the PLAYSTATION Network.
“I recognize that there are a few features that PS3 users have asked for that we haven’t delivered yet… We have a lot of features in different stages of development that I think our users will be very excited about.
“I know that an achievement system is very important to our consumers. With Home, and in addition to Home, we have some very exciting programs planned to recognize our consumers gaming skills and loyalty in new ways that go well beyond a single score.”
Hmm, so what could this be that goes beyond achievements?
[Via Next-Gen]
Posted by
1/11/2008 07:20:00 AM
Tags: Eric Lempel, PlayStation Network, Sony Computer Entertainment