Amazon has once again done it's thing to prove it is the best retailer on the net. They have dropped the price of Factor 5's LAIR from $59.99 to $36.99, saving you $23.00. If you want to check this game out, and don't mind the bad press it received, visit the link below.
[Amazon: LAIR]
Sunday, March 16, 2008
LAIR Now Only $36.99 at Amazon
Posted by
3/16/2008 09:36:00 PM
Tags: Factor 5, Lair, Sony Computer Entertainment Live: HAZE to Only Run at 30fps?
The guys over at Atomic Radio were able to attend the Live 2008 show at Wembley Stadium and got to play Free Radical's upcoming HAZE. The bottom right-hand corner of the screen told how many frames per second the game was running. It was just about 30. Whether it was only for the demo build, or the complete game, we do not know. We do know that either way, the game is still looking great.
[Atomic Radio]
Posted by
3/16/2008 04:29:00 PM
Tags: Free Radical, HAZE, Live 2008, Ubisoft
Grand Theft Auto IV: First Look at HUD?
Rockstar may have let part of the HUD slip for Grand Theft Auto IV. In the screenshot to the left, the top right hand corner has something you may have missed, take a look. It's the stars that are in every Grand Theft Auto game (zoom in at left image). Right now, it's not looking so bright (literally), but it will probably change in the final version of the game. Who knows, this might not even be what it will really look like.
[First Look At GTA IV HUD? (Wanted Stars?)]
Posted by
3/16/2008 11:15:00 AM
Tags: Grand Theft Auto IV, Rockstar Games, Take-Two Interactive
Upcoming Site: Donations Equal Hosting
If you look to your left (clickie!) you'll see another image of the new site we will be launching as we close this site's doors. As you know from previous posts, the title will be revealed upon the sites opening, but this time we wrote "Title??" so we could show you the style the new logo is written in. Anyway, we've been up since August 2007 and have been updating you daily since with the latest news in gaming. Now, we need your help.
As you know, the new site isn't going to be free like our current Blogger hosted site is. The host we are going to use (known as DreamHost) has a very good plan that includes 5 TB of bandwith and 500 GB of storage that automatically increase each week. Their yearly plan weighs in at about $120.00. We are not all that big on money. As you may or may not know, we are the average person just like you.
We've had the Donate button on our sidebar for sometime now and nobody has donated. That is fine, but now we need it more than ever. Please, help us so we can continue being the one of the best PlayStation gaming sites on the net.
Posted by
3/16/2008 12:30:00 AM
Tags: onAXIS
An Artistic PlayStation Network Commercial
There is no official commercial for the PlayStation Network that you'll see on the television. Perhaps their will be one as soon as it gets a bit better. Terry Hall and The Love Commercial Production Company have, however, made their own, and it looks pretty good. Enjoy!
Posted by
3/16/2008 12:19:00 AM
Capcom to Unleash More Rocketmen
A new ESRB listing reveals that Capcom is going to be bringing out more Rocketmen games on the PlayStation Network and Xbox Live. There is a new listing for Rocketmen: It Came From Uranus with an E10+ rating. I cannot say I'm pleased, considering Axis of Evil was bad enough.
[Entertainment Sofware Rating Board] [Search PlayStation 3]
Posted by
3/16/2008 12:07:00 AM
Tags: Capcom, ESRB, Rocketmen: It Came From Uranus