Well, it's already Thursday in Japan, and they've received a little treat from Sony Computer Entertainment Japan today. The demo for their upcoming puzzle game, Echochrome, is now available.
If you have a Japanese PlayStation Network account, I suggest heading to the store and downloading it now.
[PlayStation.com (Japan)]
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
PlayStation Store Japan Gets Echochrome Demo
Posted by
3/05/2008 11:11:00 PM
Tags: Echochrome, Japan, PlayStation Network, PlayStation Store, Sony Computer Entertainment
Damnation: First Screenshots & One Artwork
Codemasters is returning to the alternate history with this title. Today, they officially announced Damnation, a shooter featuring acrobatic-like gameplay in huge open environments. Codemasters says the game has an "epic" plotline and will follow the story of a hero named Rourke.It will concern a "post-industrial conflict between humanity and an unstoppable arms dealer" and be set against "iconic elements of American history," according to the publisher.
Damnation is set for release for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC in the fourth quarter of 2008. [GS]
Posted by
3/05/2008 10:07:00 PM
Tags: Artwork, Blue Omega, Codemasters, Damnation, Screenshots
Recoil: Retrograd Details Roll In
Zeitguyz is planning to release a game they call Recoil: Retrograd sometime in 2010. Luckily, we've got a bunch of new information on the title.
The story is set in the near future (2052 to be exact), in a world destroyed by wars. A group, The Cardinals, are mysterious figures who can travel through time. They go back to undo the causes of the destruction, but end up reshaping the world to their liking.
Characters in the game develop new abilities that determine the kind of leader your character will become. The game features a deep single-player campaign along with a multiplayer component. Both teams may freely travel through time by locating portals around the map in multiplayer. It's not fully clear exactly how it will work though.
Recoil: Retrogad is releasing sometime in 2010. You can view four screenshots of the game at the link below. Enjoy!
[PS3/X360/PC Preview - 'Recoil: Retrograd']
Posted by
3/05/2008 09:56:00 PM
Tags: Recoil: Retrograd, Zeitguyz
Phil Harrison's First Public Speech Since Leaving Sony
This is it. This footage was taken Monday morning during the announcement that Phil Harrison will become President of Infogrames. He speaks on the future of the company and the presentation on Alone in the Dark they are about to do, but do not show. If you ask me, Phil looks kind of tense.
Posted by
3/05/2008 09:42:00 PM
Tags: Atari, Infogrames, Phil Harrison
Dark Sector Bringing Back the Entitlements?
Today, D3 Publisher announced the Xbox 360 Achievements for their upcoming Dark Sector, but also announced the "Entitlements" for the PlayStation 3 version. Remember Entitlements? MTV Multiplayer put in a request to D3 and Sony about this, when we hear more, we will let you know. For now, here is the Entitlements list.
[Are PS3 Entitlements Back? (’Dark Sector’ Announcement Provides A Clue)]ACHIEVEMENTS (X360) / ENTITLEMENTS (PS3)
Name: Prologue
Description: Completed Chapter 1
Achievement Parameter: Complete Chapter 1
Score: 10Name: Exposure
Description: Completed Chapter 2
Achievement Parameter: Complete Chapter 2
Score: 10Name: Baggage Claim
Description: Completed Chapter 3
Achievement Parameter: Complete Chapter 3
Score: 10Name: Moths To The Flame
Description: Completed Chapter 4
Achievement Parameter: Complete Chapter 4
Score: 10Name: The Shipment
Description: Completed Chapter 5
Achievement Parameter: Complete Chapter 5
Score: 10Name: The Bait
Description: Completed Chapter 6
Achievement Parameter: Complete Chapter 6
Score: 10Name: Industrial Evolution
Description: Completed Chapter 7
Achievement Parameter: Complete Chapter 7
Score: 10Name: Unnatural History
Description: Completed Chapter 8
Achievement Parameter: Complete Chapter 8
Score: 10Name: Threshold Guardian
Description: Completed Chapter 9
Achievement Parameter: Complete Chapter 9
Score: 10Name: The Dark Sector
Description: Completed the game
Achievement Parameter: Complete the game
Score: 100Name: Dark Sector - Brutal Difficulty
Description: Completed the Game on Brutal Difficulty Achievement Parameter: Complete the Game on Brutal Difficulty
Score: 110COMBAT - 200 PTS
Name: Headhunter
Description: Decapitated 30 enemies
Achievement Parameter: Decapitate 30 enemies
Score: 10Name: Incinerator
Description: Incinerated 30 enemies
Achievement Parameter: Incinerate 30 enemies
Score: 10Name: Electrician
Description: Electrocuted 30 enemies
Achievement Parameter: Electrocute 30 enemies
Score: 10Name: Jack Frost
Description: Killed 30 frozen enemies.
Achievement Parameter: Kill 30 frozen enemies
Score: 10Name: Finesse
Description: 30 Aftertouch kills
Achievement Parameter: Kill 30 enemies with Aftertouch
Score: 40Name: Hardball
Description: 30 Power-throw kills
Achievement Parameter: Kill 30 enemies with Power-throw
Score: 35Name: Sharpshooter
Description: 30 Headshots
Achievement Parameter: Get 30 headshots
Score: 10Name: Glaive Master
Description: Completed a level by only using the Glaive Achievement Parameter:
Complete a level by only using the Glaive
Score: 10Name: The Finisher
Description: Performed 30 finishers
Achievement Parameter: Perform 30 finishers
Score: 10Name: Double Decap Latte
Description: Two decapitations in one shot Achievement Parameter: Get two decapitations
in one shot
Score: 15Name: Jack the Jackal
Description: Took the Jackal for a ride
Achievement Parameter: Take the Jackal for a ride
Score: 35Name: Skeet Shooter
Description: Shot 10 projectiles in mid-flight.
Achievement Parameter: Shoot 10 projectiles in mid-flight
Score: 10Name: Weaponsmith
Description: Applied 5 upgrades in the market Achievement Parameter: Apply 5
upgrades in the market
Score: 10Name: Greed
Description: Collected over 50,000 rubles Achievement Parameter: Collect over
50,000 rubles
Score: 10Name: Researcher
Description: Collected 10 weapon upgrades Achievement Parameter: Collect 10 weapon
Score: 10Name: Master Researcher
Description: Collected all the weapon upgrades Achievement Parameter: Collect
all the weapon upgrades
Score: 15Name: Rebound
Description: Killed an enemy with a reflected projectile Achievement Parameter:
Kill an enemy with a reflected projectile
Score: 15Name: Ghost
Description: Used cloaking to get a finisher Achievement Parameter: Use cloaking
to get a finisher
Score: 35MULTIPLAYER - 200 PTS
Name: Glory
Description: Finished best overall in a ranked match (Multiplayer) Achievement
Parameter: Finish best overall in a ranked match (Multiplayer)
Score: 30Name: Veteran
Description: Scored 500 points (Multiplayer) Achievement Parameter Score 500
points (Multiplayer)
Score: 30Name: Hero
Description: Scored 5000 points (Multiplayer) Achievement Parameter: Score 5000
points (Multiplayer)
Score: 40Name: Champion
Description: Best overall in a ranked team game (Multiplayer) Achievement Parameter:
Finish best overall in a ranked team game (Multiplayer)
Score: 30Name: Comrade
Description: Scored 500 points in ranked team games (Multiplayer) Achievement
Parameter: Score 500 points in ranked team games (Multiplayer)
Score: 30Name: Hero of the people
Description: Scored 5000 points in ranked team games (Multiplayer) Achievement
Parameter: Score 5000 points in ranked team games (Multiplayer)
Score: 40
Update 8:45 PM: MTV Multiplayer got a short interview with D3 Publisher's Josh Austin. The interview can be read below.
Josh Austin, a producer at D3 Publisher answered some of our questions regarding the “Dark Sector” entitlements:
Multiplayer: Why did you decide to include Entitlements now? Was it a mandate by Sony, or just forward-thinking on the developers’ part? Please explain.
Austin: Including medals or “entitlements” as we call them in “Dark Sector” was definitely forward-thinking by the developer, Digital Extremes. From the start of development, we planned that gamers would have a compelling gameplay experience regardless of platform.
Multiplayer: Did you get any specific instructions from Sony regarding “entitlements”? If they were not called “entitlements” would they have been included in the PS3 version anyway?
Austin: We were already in the process of implementing entitlements in-game when we heard the news that they would be integrated by Sony and have more of a presence.
Multiplayer: Will these entitlements bring up a screen when achieved?
Austin: Players will receive an in-game message that they have unlocked an entitlement.
Posted by
3/05/2008 06:25:00 PM
Tags: Accomplishments, D3 Publisher, Dark Sector, Digital Extremes
flOw Coming to PSPs Tomorrow
For those that have yet to know, SuperVillain & thatgamecompany's flOw is coming to the PSP PlayStation Store tomorrow for download. Check back tomorrow for the price and the full PlayStation Network update.
[flOw PSP Out Tomorrow]
Posted by
3/05/2008 05:35:00 PM
Tags: flOw, PSP, SuperVillan Studios, thatgamecompany
Grand Theft Auto IV: Trailer at End of March, Get Free Stickers
Well, first we will tell you that Rockstar stated today that at the end of March, they will release a new trailer for Grand Theft Auto IV. Let's hope it is in-game.
Second off, member of JV.com OnizukaGTO wrote Rockstar Games requesting more information on Grand Theft Auto IV. Unforuntately they gave him no new information, but they did send him some Grand Theft Auto IV stickers. Want some? Try doing the same.
[Stickers GTA + video Soon]
Posted by
3/05/2008 05:28:00 PM
Tags: Grand Theft Auto IV, Rockstar Games, Take-Two Interactive
Certain Affinity Working on Plunder for PlayStation Network
Certain Affinity, the Austin based game developers formed by ex-Bungie employees, are working on Plunder for the PlayStation Network and Xbox Live Arcade. The game is a pirate-themed RTS, according to the latest EGM issue. The game will be published by Capcom, and sent out to the PlayStation Store in June 2008.
Plunder has you commandeer a ship, hunting down other others, seizing towns and so forth. The game uses a tile based UI, supports 4-player split screen, and will also include an editor allowing users to edit maps and share their creations.
['Plunder' (X360/PS3) Revealed]
Posted by
3/05/2008 05:24:00 PM
Rainbow Six Vegas 2: The First 10 Minutes
Ubisoft Montreal have been hard at work developing Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2. Now you can experience the first ten minutes of the game in this video (without playing it of course). If your interested in picking up this title, look for it in stores on March 14, 2008. Enjoy the watch!
Posted by
3/05/2008 04:42:00 PM
Tags: Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2, Ubisoft, Ubisoft Montreal
Walking Around Shirtless? Sony Has You Covered!
If your the type of guy who goes around showing off his favorite games, prepare to take it to another level (well, not really). Sony announced today their partnership with four different clothing and accessory makers to feature the companies biggest IPs.
Some of the franchises your going to see in these new clothing are God of War, Ratchet & Clank, Resistance: Fall of Man, Heavenly Sword and LittleBigPlanet.
"PlayStation is an extremely strong and well-known brand" Shelly Gayner, Director of Licensing, SCEA, said in a press release "We feel that this is a great opportunity for us to satiate our core fans and extend and capitalize on PlayStation name recognition by creating a new line of apparel in connection with the PlayStation brands and our top franchise titles."
[No shirt? Sony launches official apparel program]
Posted by
3/05/2008 04:14:00 PM
Tags: Heavenly Sword, LittleBigPlanet, Resistance: Fall of Man, Sony Computer Entertainment, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
Insomniac Games Still Making New IPs
Insomniac Games have established themselves quite nicely with their two succesful IPs known as Ratchet & Clank and Resistance. You'd think they'd keep making sequels as long as the money comes in, but Insomniac President Ted Price explains that they intend to "continue to produce new IP, there's no question about that."
Whats coming in these new IPs? We have no clue.
[Insomniac Still Developing New IPs]
Posted by
3/05/2008 04:09:00 PM
Tags: Insomniac Games, Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction, Resistance 2, Resistance: Fall of Man, Ted Price
Rise of the Argonauts Coming Q4 2008
Codemasters has announced today that their upcoming RPG, Rise of the Argonauts will be released on the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC in the fourth quarter of 2008. Work on the title has been quiet since it's April 2007 announcement, but the publisher assures us that the game should be ready for the press soon.
[Rise of the Argonauts heading for Q4]
Posted by
3/05/2008 04:06:00 PM
Tags: Codemasters, Liquid Entertainment, Rise of the Argonauts
Army of Two to Get Downloadable Content
Brian Crecente of Kotaku was interested to know what Electronic Arts Montreal is up to now that Army of Two is done with.
“I couldn’t help but ask what Electronic Arts Montreal is up to, now that their game has shipped,” said Crecente. “Downloadable content, I was told. When I pressed for more details, all I was told was that there’s a ton of it being created for Army of Two.”So, the game was just released, and already there is a load of downloadable content in the works. Talk about dedication to your game.
[Army of Two DLC Avalanche In-Bound]
Posted by
3/05/2008 03:59:00 PM
Tags: Army of Two, EA Games, EA Montreal
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Patch Update
While the PC and Xbox 360 received their patch for Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare on Friday February 29, 2008, PlayStation 3 gamers are wondering where their patch is.
Infinity Ward updates us today on it's official blog.
"The PS3 feature patch is currently at certification at Sony and has been for about a week now. It’s going through it’s necessary channels worldwide for each respective region. We haven’t heard any problems back so that’s a great sign. We haven’t received any eta from Sony (which is typical for these types of things) but if I hear any indication of when you might be able to expect it I’ll pass it along."Just a bit longer fellas. Should be out soon.
[Call of Duty 4 Patch Update Info For Playstation 3]
Posted by
3/05/2008 03:57:00 PM
Tags: Activision, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Infinity Ward
Motorstorm 2 Unveiling Delayed till March 12, 2008
Well, we were all excited for the unveiling of Motorstorm 2 today, but unfortunately, it's not happening. Sony Computer Entertainment seems to have decided at the last minute to postpone the date of the Motorstorm 2 trailer release. Check back next Wednesday March 12, 2008 for the unveiling. Damn, one more week to go now.
[Motorstorm 2: The posting of the video has been postponed]
Posted by
3/05/2008 03:48:00 PM
Tags: Evolution Studios, Motorstorm 2, Sony Computer Entertainment
PlayStation Home to Be at OGC 2008 on March 14, 2008
On March 14, 2008, Sony Computer Entertainment will hold a presentation for their online community, PlayStation Home. They will be doing this at the upcoming Online Game & Community Service Conference 2008. They will explain the title within details and such. We will be sure to update you next week.
[The Home presented next March 14]
Posted by
3/05/2008 06:41:00 AM
Tags: OGC 2008, PlayStation Home, Sony Computer Entertainment
Rumor: Heavenly Sword 2 Knocking
According to a tipster, Ninja Theory is gathering the thoughts and opinions of us regular people, to make their next title the best game possible.
"They initially asked for video game background, then they had a follow-up phone call asking which games I had played or owned, focusing heavily on Heavenly Sword. There were 3 surveys done on Monday, groups of 6 for the first 2, 4 for the last group (my group). Predominantly males, asking about our impressions on Prince of Persia, God of War, Ninja Gaiden and, of course, Heavenly Sword. Some questions were asked about why Heavenly Sword didn't sell so well, what our impressions were on the gameplay, how the cutscenes were done, combat mechanics."After that, there is a part where they hinted at Heavenly Sword 2. Take a look.
At the end of the night they gave us a few pieces of paper and asked our takes on the ideas (probably already set in stone). The following are the sheets that they asked our opinions on:We don't know if there will be a new main character or not. Remember, this is labeled as a rumor.1. Heavenly Sword 2 will take place 10 years after the events in Heavenly Sword.
2. The main character will be a male with martial arts background.
3. The main character will be Kai, but she will be a more mature woman.
4. The game will require you to master different martial arts styles before retrieving the Heavenly Sword.
5. The game will, instead of button mashing, have controls that utilize an analog stick to go through weapons.
6. The game will have downloadable weapons, characters, and enemies to customize your experience.
7. The game will be more interactive with the environment.
8. The game will have you on a storyline with replayable missions, as opposed to an open world.
[Rumblings About Heavenly Sword 2]
Posted by
3/05/2008 06:31:00 AM
Tags: Heavenly Sword 2, Ninja Theory, Sony Computer Entertainment