Thursday, March 20, 2008
Metal Gear Solid 4 Steel PlayStation 3 Images
[A Better Look At MGS4's "Steel" PS3]
Posted by
3/20/2008 11:38:00 PM
Tags: Japan, Kojima Productions, Konami, Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, PlayStation 3, Sony Computer Entertainment
SOCOM: Confrontation Special Forces Unveiled
The May 2008 issue of Electronic Gaming Monthly is going to feature a media blowout of Slant Six Games and Sony Computer Entertainment's upcoming SOCOM: Confrontation.
1UP gave us a small sneak peak while we wait for the upcoming issue by giving us a list of all the special forces that the players can join in the game."Joining a special force is now a perk associated with joining a clan ... special forces (and their associated uniforms, gear, and weapons) will only be available to clan members." The full list below.
[SOCOM Confrontation Special Forces Unveiled]
- Navy Sea, Air, and Land (SEALs, United States)
- Special Air Service (SAS, United Kingdom)
- Kommando Spezialkräfte (KSK, Germany)
- Unidad de Operaciones Especiales (UOE, Spain)
- 1er Régiment de Parachutistes d'Infanterie de Marine (1er RPIMa, France)
Posted by
3/20/2008 09:53:00 PM
Tags: Slant Six Games, SOCOM: Confrontation, Sony Computer Entertainment
EA Details Orange Box Patch v1.10
If you downloaded that v1.10 patch that was released for The Orange Box on the PlayStation 3 yesterday and still wondering what the heck it does, then read on for details of the patch.
As you can tell, no game lobbies were added such as the Xbox 360 and PC versions have, and none of the frame rate problems were fixed. What the hell EA?
- Fixed a graphical issue whereby a player would have the explosion effect left on the end of their Rocket Launcher when attempting to Rocket Jump.
- Fixed a memory leak to improve single player stability.
- Fixed an issue whereby the players name would not appear on the Stats comparison screen.
- We have fixed an issue that would cause the vote tallies to disappear when you viewed the scoreboard between rounds.
- Fixed an online server issue.
- Fixed an issue that caused a crash when a player that wasn't in Division 1 entered 'Your Leaderboards.
- Fixed an issue with players not always being added to the 'Players Met' menu on the XMB.
- Fixed a bug where a player viewing a friend without an EA account would have an empty entry in the friend's Leaderboard.
- Fixed an issue where it was not possible to connect to the EA servers if you had more than 30 friends.
[Details On The Orange Box PS3 Patch You've Probably Already Downloaded]
Posted by
3/20/2008 09:46:00 PM
Tags: EA Games, Team Fortress 2, The Orange Box, Valve Software
Wardevil: New Poster Plus Tiny Details
Digi-Guys has released a new poster alongside PlayStation Universe of their upcoming Wardevil: Unleash the Beast Within exclusively for the PlayStation 3.
The games engine is called the RTE1080 (HD baby!) running at 60 frames per second with high resolution textures. Here are some new, but minor details
- They are not finished with the game yet, still adding improvements both gameplay wise and graphically.Thats all, enjoy the poster folks.
- They are making good use of the SPU's and streaming off of the Blu-ray disc.
- Their goal is to get the Blu-ray film & game to look as identical as there is no transition between game/cinematic.
[PSU's Easter exclusive: New Wardevil screenshot]
Posted by
3/20/2008 09:12:00 PM
Tags: Digi-Guys, Screenshots, Wardevil: Unleash the Beast Within
Soul Calibur IV Japanese PlayStation 3 Teaser
Namco Bandai have released a new teaser trailer for their upcoming fighter, Soul Calibur IV. The trailer has only been released in Japan, and sure does leave us with a tease. Enjoy!
Posted by
3/20/2008 05:43:00 PM
Tags: Japan, Namco Bandai, Soul Calibur IV
Grand Theft Auto IV: Site Update 3.20.08
Posted by
3/20/2008 05:21:00 PM
Tags: Grand Theft Auto IV, Rockstar Games, Screenshots, Take-Two Interactive
Persona 4: Famitsu DVD Trailer
The scans were not enough, we feel you. The Famitsu magazine that showed us the first scans also came bundled with a DVD with a 17 minute long video of Persona 4 for the PlayStation 2, showing some anime, some gameplay, and more. It's truly worth the watch. Enjoy!
Posted by
3/20/2008 05:15:00 PM
PlayStation 3 Receiving Call of Duty 4 Map DLC 21 Days Later
The guys at Loot Ninja contacted Activision on the PlayStation 3 Map downloadable content for Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. As you may or may not know, Activision is releasing a Game of the Year edition exclusively on the Xbox 360 (no PlayStation 3 love?) along with tokens for the maps on the disc. Loot Ninja updated when they got an e-mail back "Just heard from Activision. The Variety Map Pack will be EXCLUSIVE to the Xbox 360 for the first 21 days of release." I don't know about you, but if you ask me, that really sucks.
[Call of Duty 4 Map Pack Dated and Priced; Details on COD4: GOY Edition]
Posted by
3/20/2008 05:03:00 PM
Tags: Activision, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Infinity Ward
LittleBigPlanet to Hit Alpha Stage Soon
Media Molecule came out today to tell gamers that LittleBigPlanet is just about the entert the Alpha stage of development, and that the development is going quite well. They stat that "basically this means all the cool stuff we said will be in there should be playable, even if it isn't pretty enough to release." Hopefully we will find our more sooner than later.
[LittleBigPlanet hitting Alpha stage soon]
Posted by
3/20/2008 04:56:00 PM
Tags: LittleBigPlanet, Media Molecule, Sony Computer Entertainment
Resistance 2: Multiplayer Classes Artwork
Posted by
3/20/2008 04:49:00 PM
Tags: Artwork, Insomniac Games, Resistance 2, Sony Computer Entertainment
US PLAYSTATION Store Update: March 20, 2008
Game DemosAll in all, a pretty fine update. I look forward to trying out SEGA's Tennis and Condemned titles. Enjoy! Oh yeah, we are surprised about this Ape Escape PS3 Spec trailer, we are about to check it out.PSP Games/Demos
- Condemned 2: Bloodshot Single-Player demo (free)
- SEGA Superstars Tennis demo (free)
- Hot Shots Golf: Open Tee Game ($10.99)
- Flat Out: Head On Demo (free)
Game Videos
- Rock Band Songs
- “Blinded by Fear” by At the Gates ($1.99)
- “D.O.A.” by The Haunted ($1.99)
- “Thrasher” by Evile ($1.99)
- Earache Thrashpack 01 ($5.49)
- Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2008 Add-Ons
- Maxed out Player ($2.49)
- Turnberry Golf Resort (free)
Blu-Ray Disc Trailers
- Motorstorm 2 Teaser Trailer (free)
- Eye of Judgment “Set 2″ Trailer (free)
- Gran Turismo 5 Prologue Japan Intro Movie (free)
- Ape Quest PS3 spec trailer (free)
- Soul Calibur Character Reveal Trailer (free)
- Condemned 2: Bloodshot Launch Trailer (free)
- Gattaca Special Edition Blu-Ray Disc Trailer (free)
- Sleuth Blu-Ray Disc Trailer (free)
PLAYSTATION Store Worldwide
Posted by
3/20/2008 04:33:00 PM
EU PLAYSTATION Store Update: March 20, 2008
Well, it's Thursday, so lets get on with Europe's PlayStation Store update. It may seem like much, but when you think about it, it is really just PAIN and a Motorstorm 2 trailer.
Downloadable GamesThanks to PS3Attitude for typing this up.
- PAIN (£4.99)
- PAIN - Cookie character (£0.69)
- PAIN - Hung Lo character (£0.69)
- PAIN - Santa character (£0.69)
- PAIN - Scurv Dogg character (£0.69)
- PAIN - Muffy character (£0.69)
- PAIN - Ginger character (£0.69)
- PAIN - Fun with Explosives Pack (free)
- Stranglehold - Map Pack (£9.99)
Game Videos
- Motorstorm 2 trailer (free)
Posted by
3/20/2008 04:29:00 PM
Rock Band Patch Adding In-Game Music Store
A new patch for Rock Band will be releasing soon with some new features. The most noticable addition for the Rock Band patch is that there will be a new in-game music store. The full list of updates below.
Some of the new pictures reveal that they plan on releasing full rock albums as downloadable content.
- Increased diversity in Band World Tour song selection.
- Improved phoneme recognition
- Microphone latency on PS3 improved.
- Faster loading of DLC
[Rock Band patch adds in-game store]
Posted by
3/20/2008 01:19:00 PM
Japan Receiving Promotion DVDs With Metal Gear Solid 4 Pre-Orders
A GameTrailers user by the name of DeathSeeker who lives in Japan pre-ordered Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots last month. When he pre-ordered, they took down his address and phone number and such to send him promotional gifts.
Today, he received this promotional DVD in the mail. No word on whats on it. But we will update you when he lets us know.
[I preoreded my MGS last month and today i got this MGS4 disc sent to me]
Posted by
3/20/2008 06:42:00 AM
Tags: Japan, Kojima Productions, Konami, Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
Race Driver: GRID: Four Fresh Screens
Posted by
3/20/2008 06:22:00 AM
Tags: Codemasters, Race Driver: GRID, Screenshots
PlayStation 3 Firmware Update 2.20 Brings BD-Live Interactive Blu-ray
Sony Computer Entertainment announced today the next firmware update for the PlayStation 3 being v2.20.The new update, to be releasead late this month, contains Blu-Ray Disc Profile 2.0 or BD-LIVE, letting users experience interactive features such as downloadable video content, ringtones, games, and more.
BD Profile 2.0 requires an Internet connection and at least 1GB of local storage. The following features have all been demonstrated as possibilities with BD-Live and will vary by movie title.
The other new features that this update will bring is are listed below.
- A variety of downloadable content can be offered, including bonus scenes, shorts, trailers, subtitles, ringtones that can be sent to mobile phones, images, and more.
- Interactive movie-based games can pit players who are sitting in the same room, or are across the world and online, against each other.
Expect to see this update hit your PlayStation 3's at the end of the month. Now, we just need the PlayStation Network revamp, then in-game XMB, and we can say Sony did a pretty good job.*1 BD-J format disc is not supported.
- "Resume play" will enable PS3 system to start playing a Blu-ray disc and DVD at the point it was stopped, even if the disc had been removed.(*1)
- "Audio Output Device" will be a new Remote Play setting, enabling PSP to serve as a remote control for music played through PS3.
- PS3 system's Internet browser will be enhanced: Video files directly linked from a Web page will be able to be streamed, and the browser's view speed will be improved.
- DivX and WMV format videos that are larger than 2GB will be playable.
- "Mosquito Noise Reduction" will be added as an AV setting in the control panel of the DVD/BD player for improved movie playback.(*2)
*2 BD discs recorded with BDMV format are not supported.
Posted by
3/20/2008 06:11:00 AM
Tags: Blu-ray, Firmware Update, PlayStation 3, Sony Computer Entertainment