Play Magazine have announced that their May 2008 issue will contain Sonic "as you've never seen him before" (before Sonic Unleashed was leaked), along with an interview with Producer for Sonic Team, Yoshihisa Hashimoto.
Hashimoto says: "The whole development team is aiming to make Sonic Unleashed the best Sonic game ever, and that includes the Genesis-era titles!" Is it possible for it to happen, after all the bad blue hedgehog games we've experienced? We hope so.
[Sega: "Sonic Unleashed Needs to be Better Than the Genesis Titles"]
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
SEGA: "Sonic Unleashed Needs to be Better Than the Genesis Titles"
Posted by
4/23/2008 11:58:00 PM
Tags: Sega, Sonic Team, Sonic Unleashed, Yoshihisa Hashimoto
Grand Theft Auto IV: Four More Gameplay Videos (Best Quality Yet)
Most of the videos of Grand Theft Auto IV from the first post were removed from the server, but there are plenty more. It still makes us wonder why (so many) people are uploading these. They are all different people as you can tell by the different TVs and usernames. Weird, huh? Anyway, enjoy the new batch.
Posted by
4/23/2008 09:14:00 PM
Tags: Grand Theft Auto IV, Rockstar Games, Take-Two Interactive
The Orange Box Petition Continues: Videos and Images
The guy who started that Orange Box petition continues on with proof of why we need this new patch. Some of the evidence includes screenshots from the PlayStation 3 version and screenshots from the Xbox 360 version. Other includes videos demonstrating the work EA has put into the game, such as the one above were the beginning of the match lags like crazy. Visit the site to sign the petition.
Update: Big shout out to the site as they've featured us on their homepage. We want our good Orange Box too!
Posted by
4/23/2008 09:07:00 PM
Tags: EA Games, The Orange Box, Valve Software
echochrome Demo Hitting PlayStation Store Tomorrow
Over at the PlayStation.Blog, Sony let us know that a demo of their PlayStation Network title, echochrome will be hitting tomorrow during the store update.
SCEA's Scott Goryl stated "Yes, this is the same demo that was available on the Japanese Store. Except, well, you know, with English." Yes, because the Japanese one was so hard to understand.
[Feeling Puzzled? echochrome Demo Coming to PSN]
Posted by
4/23/2008 06:55:00 PM
Tags: Echochrome, PlayStation Network, PlayStation Store, SCE Studios Japan, Sony Computer Entertainment
HAZE: Three New Multiplayer Videos
If screenshots weren't enough for you, here are some new multiplayer videos of Free Radical and Ubisoft's upcoming HAZE. The game looks great, and should be hitting stores next month.
Posted by
4/23/2008 02:22:00 PM
Tags: Free Radical, HAZE, Ubisoft
Matt Ryan Announced Cover Athlete for PS3 NCAA Football 09
Electronic Arst has today unveiled that the NCAA Football 09 cover athelete for the PlayStation 3 version of the game will feature Matt Ryan from Boston College.
Electronic Arts have also announced they are pumping up some new and improved features in NCAA Football 09, one being Gameday Saturdays. They are trying to recreate the atmosphere of gameday. They've also expanded Dynasty Mode to support up to 12 players in head-to-head online leagues spanning up to 60 seasons.
You can view new screens at the link.
[Matt Ryan Snags 'NCAA Football 09' PS3 Cover; New Screens]
Posted by
4/23/2008 01:03:00 PM
Tags: EA Games, EA Sports, NCAA Football 09
WipEout HD: Six New Screenshots
Posted by
4/23/2008 12:37:00 PM
Tags: Screenshots, Sony Computer Entertainment, Studio Liverpool, WipeOut HD
Burnout Paradise: Motorbikes, Community Features, and Planes Coming
We've seen all this already from the Criterion website, so what else will be coming with the update? For starters, some new start up screens and logos. As you launch the game, you will see a streamign player and game news with all the newest updates from the Criterion website. The page will also feature local time, Paradise City weather (along with real cities), a caldendar, and some hints and such for the game.
- Custom Routes are no longer featured in competition races - you can choose from 40 predefined Paradise Drives that Criterion have sanctioned, 7 of which came from fans.
- Sanctioned Routes have their own Time Leaderboards - so you can all see who’s the fastest per route.
- Traffic can no longer be switched off in competition races
- No more ‘rounds’ in competition racing - many players disconnect, when they feel like there's no chance of winning, so they've got rid of the concept of rounds.
- Cars can be grouped by Boost Rating - limiting to Boost Level 3 cars, for example, still gives you 10 massively varied cars but they'll all be pretty closely matched for great racing.
- Car Select now appears after the Race Route has been selected - the host can't make sure they're the only one who knows the route, and now everyone gets a chance to choose an appropriate car.
- The host can't kick other players any more
- Grid position is based on player ranking
- Full Boost Bars
- Rank and Ranking Points are displayed in game
- New map icons differentiate the Start and Finish points

The update will also bring in Custom Soundtracks for the PlayStation 3. They will also be remixing all the sounds and music in the game, and add sirens to the police cars.
They also said that 70 new freeburn challenges are coming with the Cagney update, and they will be adding even more challenges throughout the year. There will be leaderboards for these challenges as well.
The 'Cagney' updaet should be coming at the end of June 2008.
Wait, there is more. Criterion has another update after 'Cagney' planned called 'Betty Davis', which should be out during the end of July 2008. This one is going to be the first 'you need to buy it' add-on.
This update is going to include, for the first time in any Burnout title, motorbikes. The update will let you drive around Paradise City at night as well, with less traffic at night, just as in real life.
Finally, there is one more thing not scheduled for any updates just yet, and that is planes. Criterion is not sure whether planes are coming to the game this year, but how could you not be excited about this. It's like Grand Theft Auto without the shooting.
[Live from Paradise; Criterion announce motorbikes, community features and planes!]
Update: Criterion has updated their site with a new direct-feed screenshot of a motorbike in-game at night (see above). They say bikes will feature their own game modes, challenges and even some new locations tailored to fit their unique performance and handing characteristics. The Betty-Davis motorbike update should arrive in August 2008.
Posted by
4/23/2008 12:08:00 PM
Tags: Burnout Paradise, Criterion, EA Games, Screenshots
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots Rated and Running Time Revealed
For those in Europe, BBFC has passed Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots with a '15' age rating, avoiding the '18' age rating mark. The BBFC has also revealed on it's site that the game has a 'total running time' of 545m 47s, which translates to 9hrs 5mins 47secs.
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots is due out on Friday June 12, 2008 in Europe and the US.
[Metal Gear Solid 4 rated ‘15’] [Image]
Posted by
4/23/2008 12:01:00 PM
Tags: Kojima Productions, Konami, Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
Grand Theft Auto IV Intro and Gameplay Leaked [Update: 6 Videos]
A video has been leaked showing the introduction to Grand Theft Auto IV along with the first bit of gameplay. The gameplay shows Niko and his cousin Roman after Niko arrives to the country. If you do not want the gameplay to be spoiled, do not watch. As for us, we already hunger for more. Those who want to download this, you'll find links at the source.
[GTA IV Intro Leaked]
Update: More gameplay can be seen now at the video below. Rockstar is cracking down on the guy who uploaded these, so for your sake we hope you see them. [NeoGAF]
Update: Even more gameplay for us to enjoy! The second video below is the best quality yet.
Update: Another!
Update: They don't stop coming in, there are so many of them.
Posted by
4/23/2008 11:36:00 AM
Tags: Grand Theft Auto IV, Rockstar Games, Take-Two Interactive
Heavenly Sword Developers Going Multiplatform
Ninja Theory, developers behind the PlayStation 3 exclusive, Heavenly Sword, has announced that their next game will be on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, meaning multiplatform.
"It's a brutal environment out there for an independent, particularly considering the size of the games that we're developing," said Ninja Theory co-founder Nina Kristensen.
"Yes, our new game is going to be PS3 and Xbox 360," Kristensen said. "We have actually signed it but we're not announcing to who at the moment."
So they have a publisher lined up, so what will this new game be my Ninja friends?
['Heavenly Sword' Dev Now PS3/360]
Posted by
4/23/2008 11:36:00 AM
HAZE: New Multiplayer Screenshots
Posted by
4/23/2008 11:22:00 AM
Tags: Free Radical, HAZE, Screenshots, Ubisoft
Grand Theft Auto IV: Austrilia PlayStation 3 Orders Outselling Xbox 360
We all know that Australia is considered a European territory when it comes to releasing video games. We also know that Europe, next to Japan, is all about PlayStation. The Australian EB Games have said that the PlayStation 3 is outselling the Xbox 360 version of Grand Theft Auto IV.
"We are happy to tell you it's neck and neck, but at the moment, PlayStation 3 is currently in the lead."GameTraders, a second-string retailer, are also reporting more copies being sold on the PlayStation 3. They save for every one copy they sell for Xbox 360, two get sold for PlayStation 3.
[GTA IV Preorders: PS3 Outselling 360 (In Australia)]
Posted by
4/23/2008 09:39:00 AM
Tags: Grand Theft Auto IV, Rockstar Games, Take-Two Interactive
Persona 4: Four New Famitsu Scans
Posted by
4/23/2008 09:27:00 AM
SCEE Officially Announces Europe Grand Theft Auto IV Bundle
Sony Computer Entertainment Europe has officially announced the rumored Grand Theft Auto IV bundle for Europe today. The bundle will include a 40GB PlayStation 3, a SIXAXIS controller, and the game for £319.99. It will go on sale alongside the game on April 29, 2008. View the press release below. [VG247]
Sony Computer Entertainment Europe (SCEE) Announces official Grand Theft Auto® IV bundle
Grand Theft Auto® IV to be bundled with 40GB PlayStation®3
April 23rd 2008: Sony Computer Entertainment Europe (SCEE) today confirmed the release of an official Grand Theft Auto IV bundle exclusively for PLAYSTATION®3 (PS3™).The bundle, available on April 29, 2008, will consist of a PLAYSTATION®3 40GB model, a SIXAXIS™ wireless controller and a copy of Grand Theft Auto IV, the latest title in the genre-defining Grand Theft Auto franchise, all for just £319.99 (RRP).
“We are delighted to offer the millions of PS3 and GTA fans the ultimate gaming package,” said David Reeves, President, Sony Computer Entertainment Europe.
Grand Theft Auto IV (GTA IV) is the eleventh, upcoming instalment of the best-selling Grand Theft Auto video game franchise.
Posted by
4/23/2008 09:11:00 AM
Tags: Europe, Grand Theft Auto IV, Rockstar Games, Sony Computer Entertainment, Take-Two Interactive