MMO Gaming site, Allakhazam, seems to have received some leaked pictures of Square Enix's upcoming MMO known as Project Rapture. The supposed shots were leaked to the Final Fantasy XI Online staff by a source close to the game's development team.
According to Allakhazam, Project Rapture will be using Square Enix's Crystal Tools graphics engine and will be released on the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC.
If you ask me, it looks like an online version of Final Fantasy XII, with slightly improved graphics. Take this with a grain of salt, tomorrow is April Fools.
[Sneak Peek at Square's New MMO!]
Monday, March 31, 2008
Square Enix "Project Rapture" MMO Screenshots Leaked?
Posted by
3/31/2008 11:18:00 PM
Tags: Project Rapture, Screenshots, Square Enix
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Looks like a higher quality Shadow of the Colossus.
Not terribly impressive for a PS3 game.
this is April Fools?
This was published on the 31st so it would be stupid to call it an April Fools joke on the writer's behalf.
"Looks like a higher quality Shadow of the Colossus.
Not terribly impressive for a PS3 game."
Hey retard, it's multiplatform. And you don't know jack about comparisons. Shadow of the Colossus? Are you kidding me? You've just lost your speaking privileges.
I love how everyone love to imediatly jump down the insult trail..
"Sir Isaac said...
Hey retard, it's multiplatform. And you don't know jack about comparisons. Shadow of the Colossus? Are you kidding me? You've just lost your speaking privileges"
Anyways the screenshots(if real) look like they were taken with a camera off a comp. screen. Sooo that would make them not look so hot. I do agree that this looks nothing to the degree of Shadow of the Colossus though. Far better graphics here.
Notice the *higher* quality Shadow of the Colossus part?
Low poly rock face, low poly tree stump, low res textures, shooting a bow and arrow to take down fruit from low res flat texture branches.. yes it looks like Shadow of the Colossus, higher quality but not higher quality enough.
FFXI fans are known for april fools. Its a little joke guys, lighten up! Besides its kind of strange how none of the screenies show the faces.
Has anyone found out if these screens were an april fools joke? I for one really hope not.
unless you hear it straight from the horse's mouth, pass it off as bullshit.
don't forget SE is working on FFXIII right now and FFXI is still booming with popularity. If SE were working on a new MMO, FFXIII would be out already, and SE wouldn't keep releasing new packagings for FFXI like the 2008 collection.
Actually SE has already announced that they are working on a new MMO, codenamed Rapture, and it makes perfect sense that they would keep releasing new packages because every person that has an ffxi subscription or has played/enjoyed ffxi will want to buy this new mmo when it gets released. It's a marketing strategy.
And, not to mention that Se CAN work on more than one project at the same time. This is why there are different teams for certain needs. There is a final fantasy team, and a final fantasy XI team, where their animators and directors only are allowed to work on that mmorpg. The game codenamed "rapture" will come out, and probably soon (like end of 2009) They have been working on it since 2005, so I'm thinking that these images are probably not fake.
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