Today, on macho gaming forum NeoGAF, new information (sort of) surfaces about Konami's upcoming Metal Gear Solid 4.
Metal Gear Solid 4's Producer Ryan Payton warns us that we shouldn't get our hopes up for a demo to hit the PLAYSTATION Store.
"Considering how much we’ve changed since TGS/E for All, it would be a huge undertaking to create a new demo. Sorry guys."To lighten the pain of not being able to test this potential system seller out, he speaks of the possibility of a collector's edition.
"On a brighter note, we’re working really hard to solidify plans for a limited edition SKU. Coordinating our ideas with Konami JP, US, and EU is a big challenge, considering the simultaneous worldwide launch, strict retail rules on packaging, etc."Ryan's views on the game aren't to make it a killer app for the console, but to make it the best game it can be.
"Wish me luck in 2008 as I try to divert attention away from MGS4 being a killer app “weapon” against competitors in our industry, but rather focus on the game being a big step for the game industry as a whole. I hope MGS4 will prove to millions of people that games are to be celebrated, not spat on by politicians and mainstream media."[Via Ripten]
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