Thursday, April 17, 2008

Iron Man Demo Coming to PlayStation Store Next Thursday

One of the reasons that I hate only having PlayStation Store updates on Thursday is that we always get half-assed on our content. Tomorrow, Xbox Live will be receiving the Secret Level developed Iron Man demo from SEGA. However, they stated it will arrive on the PlayStation Network "soon", meaning next Thursday. Throw us a bone here. They should have released it today. Lets wait a week now, that will be fun. It can't just be me here, readers.

[Iron Man demo tomorrow]


Anonymous said...

I'd care more if the game looked like it was going to be any good but SCEA and SCEE really need to be more flexible.

incredibilistic said...

I think someone needs to really investigate what's the reason for delays like this.

Is it Sony or the developers? And if it's the developers do they not have ANY faith in the PS3 at all? Do they feel that if they continue to stall things enough that people will give up on Sony?

As for Thursdays, I can only guess that getting content onto the network is a tough task so setting it up for one specific day each week is easier. Well screw easy. Sony can't afford to take the easy route here. They have to start sacrificing and getting as much content to PS3 owners as they can and whenever they can. Getting the new PSN Store on Tuesday (actually Monday night) was nice knowing that we had more content coming two days later.

Having said all that we have to realize that Sony is still new at this. MS started this whole thing and is very good at it. Sony is still brand new to this process but while they learn OJT-style MS is passing them up and making them look really bad.

I'm not about to drop my PS3 for a X-Bullocks 360 but Sony has got to step it up.

Anonymous said...

Psh. New my ass. Sony should know by now. Same goes for videos, what is five videos compared to Live's getting of videos as soon as they are released. I sware they have every Iron Man, Army of Two, and such trailers ever released. They usually get them first day they come out.

I was hoping to see the Naruto PS3 and Resistance 2 trailers on the network today, but nope.

Anonymous said...

i agree, its like they dont want to try to beat the compitetion!... dam it i just wish some times i could get in there and fix things!

incredibilistic said...

I just browsed the video section of XBL and it almost makes me sick to my stomach.

Not only do they have the latest releases like "I Am Legend" but even two films that were inspired by the same novel.

Looking through the Movie and TV sections shows that MS is serious about getting content onto the 360.

The front page for movies and TV shows has dramadey "Dan in Real Life" (great film by the way), the disappointing but still good "American Gangster", Voltron and even BET Comic View. BET!!!??? Seriously!!! I mean, they're catering to just about EVERYTHING and EVERYONE!!! It's like the ultimate video store.

And while the quality will never match Blu-ray it's easier for me to understand why MS is so hell bent and confident that digital distribution will win.

It probably won't win in 18 months but damn if they're not laying the groundwork. If Sony expects to compete they MUST bring content from all genres and not exclude anyone thinking that it won't get any attention.

MS is taking a page from the Hillary Clinton playbook by going 'Kitchen Sink' throwing as much content as they can at people and seeing what sticks.

I'm still hopeful that Sony will be able to compete but man do they have their work cut out for them.

And the reason I sound shocked is probably because I refused to visit or any other Xbox-centric site because I believe (and still do) that the PS3 is the better system. My faith has been shaken a little but I'm going to stick it out with Sony because I believe in them. Still, damn, XBL is kicking some major content booty.

incredibilistic said...

Sorry for the long post. And yes, I meant to say "dramadey", which is a mixture of drama and comedy.

It could also be considered a "romcom" but that's more "Pretty Woman". And if you don't know what "romcom" means... well, you suck ;)