Tuesday, September 18, 2007

WipeOut HD Fact Sheet from GT

Thanks to Gaming Target, we have a nifty little fact sheet on PlayStation Network's upcoming futuristic racer, WipeOut HD.

  • PS3 – Get ready to experience Wipeout in full-HD 1080p resolution at 60 frames per second on PS3, exclusively available for download from the PlayStation Store. Greater processing power of PS3 enables more immersive visuals and sound effects in Wipeout HD, heightening the speed within the stunningly beautiful tracks and environments.
  • SIXAXIS wireless controller – Wipeout HD provides full support of the SIXAXIS wireless controller to give the player a variety of choices and depth of control unseen in any previous iteration of Wipeout.
  • Tracks – A selection of the best tracks taken from previous Wipeout titles, meticulously crafted and fully reworked from the ground-up to showcase the full-HD resolution. Tracks include the new Mag-Strips feature, which causes ships to be temporarily locked to the track surface, allowing greater variety and dynamism in track design and introducing track features such as loops, vertical drops and 90-degree angled sections.
  • Teams – Wipeout HD features eight teams from Wipeout Pulse, including: Feisar, Assegai, AG-Systems, Qirex, Piranha, Triakis, Goteki45 and EG-X.
  • Seven Race Modes – Wipeout HD features seven race modes, including: Single Race, Tournament, Time Trial, Speed Lap, Zone Mode, Elimination and Head-2-Head.
  • Race Campaign – The Race Campaign feature contains many unique predefined race events to give an all new sense of progression for the player.
  • Race Rules Customization – Wipeout HD offers full customization of race rules, allowing the player to tailor their own race experience.
  • AI Pack Racing – Wipeout HD introduces Artificial Intelligence (AI) pack racing to keep players under pressure and on the edge of their seats.
  • Weapons System – A refined weapons system includes three new weapons: The Repulser, Shuriken and Leach Beam.
  • Difficulty Levels – Wipeout HD offers three difficulty levels; adjustable independent of speed class.
  • Photo-Mode – The Photo-mode feature allows players to be able to pause the game both during a race and the post race parade lap so that they can take a snapshot which they can then save to their PS3 HDD. These Photos can then be uploaded to the Wipeout HD website and traded between players.
  • Online Multiplayer – Up to eight players will be able to compete against each other in a range of online races, across several game modes:
    *** Single Race
    *** Tournament
    *** Elimination
    *** Team vs. Team (Two-player team based multiplayer races)
  • Player Profile and Community Website – Website TBA
    *** Each player will have an extensive game profile that charts their progress and records for all the usual record lap times for races and fastest laps as well as statistics concerning weapons use, ship selections, favorite modes and most played tracks.
    *** Players will be able to connect to the main Wipeout HD website from within the game and receive updates and information, such as records, stats and tips. In addition, players can upload their own profile, allowing the creation of a global statistics list for all to see.
  • Additional Content via Download – Extra game content will be made available to download and plug directly into the main game, including extra teams and ships, extra tracks and additional events for the race campaign mode.
  • Music – Wipeout HD features nine fully-licensed music tracks, remixed in 5.1.
  • Many features indeed. It just gets you pumped more for the release of this awesome game.

    [Via Gaming Target]


    Anonymous said...

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