Tuesday, January 1, 2008

HAZE To Get Downloadable Content

Free Radical recently answered some questions from it's fans about HAZE. One fan, named Kyle sent in asking why he should buy this title. Free Radical responded to his question in list form.

1. 4-player co-op.
2. 16-player story-led multiplayer maps
3. The Nectar gameplay system.
4. A whole bunch of downloadable content, that isn't just useless shit like new skins.
5. It's paying my mortgage, so buy it.
If anything, I'd do it for number five, to know I'm helping someone out. But it seems downloadable content is going to be coming to the PLAYSTATION Store a bit after HAZE is released, and a whole lot of it. Let's wait to see what this great downloadable content really is.

[Via Free Radical]

Our PLAYSTATION 3 Predicitions for 2008

If I must say it again, 2008 is here, and that means a whole new year of new PLAYSTATION 3 games and features to come. Want to know what we think will happen? Take a look atour predictions below.

Prediction #1 - PLAYSTATION Network Will Get It's Needed Features
The features that are needed on the PLAYSTATION Network to truly make it a community network will be added, such as in-game friends and messaging, private voice chat, larger profiles, and trophies/entitlements.

Prediction #2 - PLAYSTATION 3 Will Top 12 Million by March 2008
The sales of the PLAYSTATION 3 consoles have been rising rapidly lately with almost 9 million sold at the moment. Come March 2008, who knows how high the sales can be, especially with the anticipation of games like Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots & KILLZONE 2.

Prediction #3 - PLAYSTATION 3 will Come In a New Color & Receive a Price-Drop
Sony knows they need more sales out of the console, and after the rapid price drop we've seen this past year, you'll probably be seeing the 40GB at $299 and the 80GB at $399, along with a new color considering Japan just received one.

Prediction #4 - PLAYSTATION Store Will Revamp & Add Videos As Well
Sony knows that the current PLAYSTATION Store is just too small to hold all the content that 2008 will bring. I'm thinking a full PLAYSTATION Store revamp, programmed into the console rather than a web page, with the ability to download TV Shows, Music Videos, and more as well. Maybe they will even stop with the one day a week updates.

Prediction #5 - Sony & Third-Parties Announces New Major Sequels
We all know that sooner or later, they are going to announce titles like Resistance: Fall of Man 2, Motorstorm 2 (already mentioned by Phil Harrison), Jak & Daxter for PS3, Wild Arms 6, Kingdom Hearts III, Dark Cloud 3, Shadow of the Colossus 2, Sly Cooper for PS3, or even Rogue Galaxy 2.

Exclusive In-Game Car If You Pre-Order Burnout Paradise from GAME

Just like when you pre-order this title off of GameStop's website, UK's GAME are taking pre-orders for Burnout Paradise as well. If you pre-order from GAME, you will receive an exclusive in-game car. They send you the code to enter in the game by e-mail.

Burnout Paradise is set for release in UK on January 25, 2008.

[Via GAME]

Yakuza: Kenzan! Demo Coming to Japan PLAYSTATION Store This Month

Sinobi's blog tells us that Sega of Japan is releasing a demo of the upcoming Japan release of Yakuza: Kenzan! this month. They are trying to get out two demos because there is apparently a 1GB size limit for demos on the PLAYSTATION Network (weird, since The Club demo was about 1.7GB).

The first demo covers the prologue of the game's story mode. The second demo will let you travel through a bit of the adventure portion of the game that you know the series for.

They also mentioned the game is going to support HDD installation (optional of course), and if you install it, it will take up about 3-4GB of space on your PLAYSTATION 3.

[Via Sinobi Blog] [Thanks Toto-Sama!]

Tiki Games: New PLAYSTATION 3, PSP Developers

It seems a new PLAYSTATION 3 and PSP game developing company has recently opened. They call themselves Tiki Games and are currently working on their first project known as Galaxy's End.

They are currently looking for a publisher for their title, and who are we to not help get the word out? Head over to Tiki Games at the link below and check it out.

[Via Tiki Games] [Thanks Joe Bobowski!]

Tales of Vesperia Composer Removes 360 Only from Listing

The Xbox 360 only listing that Tales of Vesperia composer Motoi Sakuraba listed on his site two days back has been removed.

We are not sure the reason why he removed this. It could of been because it was his guess and he was unsure. It could of been for other reasons. The good thing is there is hope yet for this title to arrive on the PLAYSTATION 3.

[Via Motoi Sakuraba]

Devil May Cry 4: Blue Hand Famitsu Scans

Our favorite Korean gaming site, Ruliweb, has provided us with some new scans of Devil May Cry 4 in the latest issue of Famitsu. I guess New Years doesn't stop anything for Dante & Nero. The scans mention something about the PLAYSTATION Store and Xbox Live, it's probably just saying the demo is coming soon. Enjoy!

Yakuza 3 Hits Japanese TVs

A new advertisement for the upcoming Japan release of Yakuza: Kenzan! has just surfaced upon Japanese TVs. This new title is set to release in Japan on March 6, 2008.

Street Fighter IV: Character & Story Sneak Peek

1UP's Street Fighter IV coverage continues. Today, we are given a sneak peek at the characters and the story of Capcom's upcoming fighter. Enjoy your sneak peek! Damn 1UP, gets all the good previews. (laughs)

Happy New Year from onAXIS

If you are reading this, then the ball just dropped on the east coast in New York City meaning that it's officially 2008 (where I live).

I want to once again, wish you a Happy New Year! I hope whatever you have planned for this new year, being 2008, comes into focus, and you accomplish your plans.

Enjoy your time with your family, friends, roomates, or whoever your celebrating this joyous occasion with.