If I must say it again, 2008 is here, and that means a whole new year of new PLAYSTATION 3 games and features to come. Want to know what we think will happen? Take a look atour predictions below.
Prediction #1 - PLAYSTATION Network Will Get It's Needed Features
The features that are needed on the PLAYSTATION Network to truly make it a community network will be added, such as in-game friends and messaging, private voice chat, larger profiles, and trophies/entitlements.
Prediction #2 - PLAYSTATION 3 Will Top 12 Million by March 2008
The sales of the PLAYSTATION 3 consoles have been rising rapidly lately with almost 9 million sold at the moment. Come March 2008, who knows how high the sales can be, especially with the anticipation of games like Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots & KILLZONE 2.
Prediction #3 - PLAYSTATION 3 will Come In a New Color & Receive a Price-Drop
Sony knows they need more sales out of the console, and after the rapid price drop we've seen this past year, you'll probably be seeing the 40GB at $299 and the 80GB at $399, along with a new color considering Japan just received one.
Prediction #4 - PLAYSTATION Store Will Revamp & Add Videos As Well
Sony knows that the current PLAYSTATION Store is just too small to hold all the content that 2008 will bring. I'm thinking a full PLAYSTATION Store revamp, programmed into the console rather than a web page, with the ability to download TV Shows, Music Videos, and more as well. Maybe they will even stop with the one day a week updates.
Prediction #5 - Sony & Third-Parties Announces New Major Sequels
We all know that sooner or later, they are going to announce titles like Resistance: Fall of Man 2, Motorstorm 2 (already mentioned by Phil Harrison), Jak & Daxter for PS3, Wild Arms 6, Kingdom Hearts III, Dark Cloud 3, Shadow of the Colossus 2, Sly Cooper for PS3, or even Rogue Galaxy 2.