Friday, March 7, 2008

Far Cry 2: Three New Screenshots

Thanks to GameFront, we have some new screenshots of Ubisoft's upcoming Far Cry 2. The new screenshots showcase a sniper, fire, explosions, and a whole lot of the color orange. Enjoy!

onAXIS: New Site Updates

Okay, thought I'd update you guys on the site's status. There has been a lot of little code errors that I've been searching for in the site, and I've found out most of them. The new site is going to have a phpBB3 forum. We'd have vBulletin, but it is too pricey. I've been testing out the site with posts from here, seeing how they would look in the new format. The only thing I'm really having trouble with now is the NexGen Gallery. I've provided three new screenshots of the site. Once again, the title is blocked out due to it being saved for a big reveal.

In the first screenshot, you'll see the home page, which displays the newest posts, featured posts (subject to change every few days), and sidebar (images on sidebar also to change). The second image shows one of the post pages along with the comments and Gravatars that you'll see. Both comments there are just random gibberish for testing. The third image shows more of the home page, within the third page (I've limited 3 posts per page just for testing, normal will be 15 per page). You'll see the full Linkout in this picture, which contains some sites linking to us and some of our favorites, along with our METAL GEAR SOLID 4 sidebar that we have on this site as well.

Anyway, we appreciate any feedback, so go ahead and drop us some.

Update: By the way, I'm working on a PlayStation 3 RPG feature for the opening of the site. Matt, our other writer who will start on the new site, is working on his review for Devil May Cry 4.

The PS3 Tattoo: Not Really Necessary

A user on the Semi-Official Sony blog, Three Speech, named MobileTone, is a very dedicated fan of the PlayStation 3. He's actually gone and got himself a tattoo that says "PS3". Tony made a video about his tattoo showing how much he loves his console? Is it really necessary to get a PS3 tattoo? We think not. What will he do when the PS4 comes out?

[He’s Only Gone And Done It - World’s First PS3 Tattoo]

WipEout HD: Gravity Ends Trailer

A new trailer for Sony Computer Entertainment's upcoming WipEout HD was released today. The new trailer sums up the game by showing some of it's amazing visuals while stating the amount of tracks, steady at the smooth frame-rate of 60 fps. Enjoy!

NCAA Football 09: New Screenshots, PlayStation 3 Version to Run at 60fps

In a new interview with Kendall Boyd, developer of the upcoming NCAA Football 09 for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, he reveals that the PlayStation 3 version will run at 60fps this time, along with it's Xbox 360 brother. Last year, EA Sports games only ran at 30 fps on the PlayStation 3 due to their lack of knowledge on the console. This year, they got 60 frames up and running, Boyd even says the he can "guarantee it." Enjoy the new screenshots!

[NCAA Football 09 Interview]

Fallout 3: OXM Reveals More Screenshots

The Official Xbox Magazine has revealed some new screenshots on Bethesda's upcoming Fallout 3 for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC. The text doesn't really reveal much new information, all it contains is a new interview. View the new screenshots at the link.

[OXM screenshot scans and article excerpts]

Grand Theft Auto IV: Site Update 3.7.08: New Screenshots & Media

The official website for Rockstar's upcoming Grand Theft Auto IV has received another big update. The new update includes new screenshots, video, and media. Enjoy it all below.

Condemned 2 on PlayStation 3 to Feature Accomplishments as Well

Just a little mini-update here. The Xbox 360 achievements that are listed for SEGA's upcoming Condemned 2: Bloodshot here will also be available in the PlayStation 3 version in the form of rewards. Perhaps entitlements?

[PS3 Getting Codemned 2 Achievements Too]

Resistance 2: First Two Mo-Cap Sessions

We have the first footage of Resistance: Fall of Man 2! Nah, we are just joking, it's just some motion-capture sessions. Watch these two men go at each other and scream a lot. Enjoy!

Sony Still Hard At Work on Getaway for PlayStation 3

Since we first saw the trailer for The Getaway 3, we've only seen it once more a year after. It was first shown at E3 2005, then E3 2006. The crowd was amazed upon seeing London's extreme detail in the game.After that however, the game went into silence, with nothing to be heard.

DenofGeek recently interviewd one of the writers of The Getaway and its sequel, Katie Ellwood. She reassured us that the game is still in the works and that Sony is hard at work on the open-world franchise. She, however, did not mention if the game is set for a 2008 release.

[Sony Hard at Work on The Getaway PS3. Feature Film in the Future?]