Thursday, October 4, 2007

Ouch! IGN Scores Go! Sports Ski a 2.1/10

IGN usually always seems to be honest with their reviews. This one is no different. The threw a grenade, ran away, and exploded on this one. They gave Go! Sports Ski a 2.1 out of 10.
Presentation - 3.0
There are a number of very questionable aspects, like the Emblems system and the barren amount of content.

Graphics - 4.0
The characters look okay (arguably), but the mountain can look pretty bad at times.

Sound - 4.0
Like the amount of content, there's not much here.

Gameplay - 2.0
The controls suck. There are only two mountains. The snowy weather option is stupid. And, the controls suck. They're bad enough to mention them twice.

Lasting Appeal - 3.0
With only two courses, this is as bare-bones as it gets.

(out of 10 / not an average)
Read the full review at the link below.

[Read: Go! Sports Ski Review]