The latest PLAYSTATION Store update for the US is now up. It's contents are listed below.
PSone ClassicsTalk about a massive attack of the Italians. This is actually great news, because five minutes ago, I literally just bought Don's Edition.Demos
- Twisted Metal 2 - $5.99
- TimeShift demo
- Need For Speed: ProStreet
Game Videos
- The Godfather®: The Don's Edition Don Collection - $7.49
- The Godfather®: The Don's Edition Level 4 Weapons Bundle - $4.99
- The Godfather®: The Don's Edition Level 4 Tommy Gun - Spectre Minigun - $1.25
- The Godfather®: The Don's Edition Level 4 Shotgun - Lupara Semi-Automatic - $1.25
- The Godfather®: The Don's Edition Level 4 Magnum - Annihlator - $1.25
- The Godfather®: The Don's Edition Level 4 Pistol - Herzstopper - $1.25
- The Godfather®: The Don's Edition Level 4 Revolver - Black Widow - $1.25
- The Godfather®: The Don's Edition In-Game Money - $250K - $1.99
- The Godfather®: The Don's Edition In-Game Money - $100K - $0.99
- The Godfather®: The Don's Edition In-Game Money - $50K - free
- The Godfather®: The Don's Edition Mob Face Bundle - 5 Items - free
- The Godfather®: The Don's Edition Hired Assassin - $3.49
- The Godfather®: The Don's Edition Favor Pack - 3 Favor Missions - free
- The Godfather®: The Don's Edition Corleone Challenges - $3.49
Movie Trailers
- Uncharted: Drake's Fortune "Massive" trailer
- Gran Turismo 5 Prologue TGS video
- Need For Speed ProStreet TV Spot
- Burnout "Annihilator" trailer
- Burnout "Hawker" trailer
- Burnout "Roadster" trailer
- Beowulf The Game trailer
- The Bucket List trailer
- Close Encounters BD trailer
[Via PS Store]
PLAYSTATION Store Worldwide
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