Monday, December 17, 2007

Final Fantasy VII Advent Children: Complete: CLOUD Trailer

The new trailer for the upcoming Blu-Ray edition of Final Fantasy VII Advent Children. This new edition includes extra scenes, and better touch up, making it a better overall experience. Square Enix's Final Fantasy VII Advent Children: Complete should be released sometime 2008. Enjoy the trailer.


incredibilistic said...

Wow. The suckage that is Advent Children now in high-def Blu-Ray.

I'd rather watch re-runs of Mr. Belvedere in pig-Latin wearing nipple clamps laced with burning wick of dynamite wearing nothing but steak soaked underwear in front of a wild, half-starved pit bull with mad cow disease between his jowls where his saliva has been replaced with sulphuric acid and lemon juice.

Anonymous said...

and yet to post this remarkable comment you actually searched for it.