Friday, January 11, 2008

Resistance 2 Revealed In GameInformer

One of the 2008 days we've all been waiting for comes at the beginning of the year. The latest issue of GameInformer comes loaded with pages of the just revealed, Resistance: Fall of Man 2.

The magazine breaks down what they know. First off, Resistance 2 is huge in cooperative play, with an 8-Player story-driven campaign along side a single player campaign.

GameInformer describes it as “It is, in short, a tour de force for the untapped might of the PlayStation 3″

The game's main character, Hale, is shot down in Iceland and escapes to the United States to become part of a program called the Sentinels.

There is a new vehicle called the Chameleon, who are stalkers with total cloaking ability. That means sneaking up on your enemies will be better than ever.

The game features classes now as well, unique characters with one of three basic templates. Those being tank with heavy weaponry, special ops for distance, and medics.

Online goes up to 60 players per match, talk about an epic battle. Seriously, can anybody imagine it? 60 players online on a console game. It's crazy. It focuses on squad vs. squad.

The game logs into small 4-to-8 man lobbies for each squad in the game. The game community has faster matchmaking t han any 2007 console game, full feature profile pages, social networking concepts incorporated, and an open clan and party ststem to encourage the community.

The game really taps the power of the PLAYSTATION 3, with more enemies onscreen, better looking AI, better lighting and shades, more compilers, and more textures that look simply stunning.

“Our time playing was a blast”… each character class contributes in a unique way and “we loved the strategy-laden medic”… unique sense of teamwork

“Resistance 2 will be too epic to dismiss as anything but one of the biggest, boldest, and most high-reaching titles of 2008. It’s a game that won’t be ignored.” GameInformer writes in their article.

So now we are getting Resistance 2, KILLZONE 2, and HAZE as exclusive shooters in 2008. Which are you going for? [From PS3Blog]


Bond007 said...

wow, great pics, i like the second one on the bottom, it looks like it's jumping at u. ^_^

Anonymous said...

these chimera look a lot more badass. they're wearing a lot better gear. kind of reminds me of the half-life series. in half-life 2, all those zombies were pretty much wearing a white T, but in eps 1 and 2, you have to watch out for the combine zombies, those are faster, deadlier, and suicidal.

Anonymous said...

60p online and 8p campaign - Holy sh*t.

Anonymous said...

They said the first one would be rivaling gears of war. I dont think it was quite there. But resistance 2 will blow it away!