At the Taipei Game Show 2008, producers of Tekken 6, known as Namco Bandai were present.
Katsuhiro Harada, the series producer was present at the event. There isn't really anything new on Tekken 6, but they are quite deep into porting it onto the PLAYSTATION 3. Harada does mention that Virtua Fighter has been the inspiration for the Tekken series. All the characters from the previous Tekken games are going to make their PLAYSTATION 3 debut as well.
As for the online, the producer also mention possible downloadable content like new characters and data download.
On a final and funnier note, Harada mentions that 15 of the developers working on Tekken 6 lost their girlfriend due to their excessive time working on the game.
[Producer Talk Tekken 6 At Taipei Gam Show]
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Tekken 6: From the Arcade to PLAYSTATION 3
Posted by
1/31/2008 05:55:00 PM
Tags: Namco Bandai, Tekken 6
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If their ladies can't understand the dedication it takes to create a tier 1 videogame then they're not worth it anyway.
Get some new chicks fellas.
If any of them ended up looking like big-boy there sitting on their arses all day, I don't blame the girlfriends!
Super-hyped for some next-gen Tekken action. Hope they take their time refining everything as much as possible. Just like Soul Calibur Arcade to Dreamcast.
SC IV's looking awesome too.
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