Friday, March 21, 2008

OPM UK Rumors: God of War III for 2009, In-Game XMB Running

The latest issue of the UK Official PlayStation Magazine has been released, and we have the rumors column right here for you. Let's take a look.

- God Of War III is along way off, won't be released until Christmas 2009.
- The BBC reckons Sony has an amazing secret game in the works for 2009.
- Capcom is developing Dead Rising 2 for multiple platforms including PlayStation 3.
- Team ICO's new game has links to Norse myths.
- Mass Effect and its Sequels will come to PlayStation 3.
- Sony already has a in-game version of the PlayStation 3's XMB up and running.
- Netflix will soon offer movie downloads straight to your PlayStation 3.
For other information on this issue, such as the latest review scores, visit the link below.

[This Months Official Playstation Magazine [UK] Review Scores and Rumors]


incredibilistic said...

The Dead Rising and Mass Effect sequels were a nice surprise (although it's still a rumor) but I'm not surprised that Sony has in-game XMB already running. My guess is that they've probably had it running for at least a month or more and are probably waiting to release it until it's really, really ready.

My hope is that it'll be less intrusive like the 360's blade (although I'm not a fan of the blade system on the 360 dashboard) and only cover some of the screen rather than taking full control of the screen.

Sadly, this is how it is in Home right now so my guess is that it'll be the same. Unless they're trying to change it in Home too and don't have all the code together.

My hope is that they can release both in-game XMB and trophies at the same time. But, if they can't get the entitlements/trophies together by next month (or at least May) then give us in-game first and we'll wait for trophies, which I would like to think will be ready well before the year is out.

Anonymous said...

I hope it isn't done like the guide, the guide looks like its rendered at 480p and upscaled to the current game resolution so its blurry, covering only part of the screen doesn't really help with anything - it jerks in with slowdown + tearing, generally looks very unpolished.

Keep it simple, full resolution black home screen like they've got now and give access to whatever necessary features, doesn't even need to be presented like the XMB.

incredibilistic said...

Hmm, what about a PSP-like interface that pops-up in front of the game while it's paused?

Then from there you access your friend's list or even content on your HDD (music, videos, pictures). When you're done the PSP fades away/scrolls toward the bottom of the screen.

Actually, now that I'm talking it out, that might be too much on the screen. Either way I think it shouldn't take over the entire screen but at this point I just want it (and entitlements) to get here. They can always improve the interface later.

Anonymous said...









Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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