(to the left: More teasers!) We are probably finally opening the new site this weekend. We are almost fresh out of space on Blogger with 12MB remaining, so don't expect too many screenshot posts until the new site opens.
We are still having second thoughts on the new name we chose however. We admire site names such as Kotaku, JoyStiq, and Ripten. They are all original names that sound well. The name we chose (which we cannot reveal) is a name like that, but we are not sure whether it is the right name for the new site. So go on, toss your best original names at us, and if all go's bad, then we might have to make up a word (or you can do that for us).
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
New Site May Most Likely Launch This Weekend, Second Thoughts on Name
Posted by
4/30/2008 12:02:00 AM
Tags: onAXIS
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I still say that onAxis is the best name for the site. It's kind of like a brand name. There's nothing wrong with change but I think the name should remain.
But, if I can think of something else I'll shoot it your way.
leave it as it is please!!!
i like onAxis <--- its original
I agree. Onaxis is a great name for the site! Comment system needs work, but the name is fine.
how bout keep it on "onAXIS" (same capitals)
original and cool :D
"onAXIS" is best!! :)
I also agree on the onAxis name. It just seems to fit well and rings the bell to the right tune so to speak.
Names like joystiq and kotaku are more generic since they encompass the whole field not a specialized section. We are strictly playstation, so you should have a name geared towards that. That's why I think onAxis fits or at least something similar.
Keep onAXIS but if you must change it heres some original names
If your wondering why there all crap its because I only took 5 minutes on each name ;).
I think it should stay onaxis. But here are some suggestions anyway:
Bloom - Constantly evolving
Gamma Network
Heavenly PlayStation
I get the feeling we shouldn't change it man lol.
ok so here is the gods truth
see you cant change it from onaxis as my work does not block your page!!! this evil organisation i work for has been tracing all the game sites i browse and one by one locking them out, except for onaxis you and you alone have slipped through the gaps.. there is hope for me yet!
onaxis all the way!
if anything guy bove me, use nemesisrp.com
ok dude you are a genius!! i now seem to have access to everyhting! but rest assured onaxis is still the one!
How about NeoScore.com?
onAXIS sounds beautiful.
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