Sony Computer Entertainment America announced today that, as expected, Grand Theft Auto IV sales on the PlayStation 3 have been very strong and have drove sales of the console itself within the first 24-hours of launch.
“From our position, the launch of Grand Theft Auto IV has been tremendous in driving traffic to our stores, as well as providing a vigorous lift in PS3 console sales over this time last week. We attribute the growth to a huge fan base of PS2 owners who see this title as the trigger for the PS3 upgrade they’ve been planning,” said Bob McKenzie, Senior Vice President, Merchandising, GameStop Corp.
“I think brand loyalty is going to kick in for Sony, starting today,” said Wedbush Morgan industry analyst Michael Pachter. “There is a huge installed base of loyal PlayStation 2 owners who have been looking for a reason to upgrade, and they have strong previous ties to the Grand Theft Auto franchise on PlayStation platforms. Add to that a number of other big exclusive games for PS3, including Gran Turismo 5 Prologue, Metal Gear Solid 4, LittleBigPlanet, and SOCOM: Confrontation, to name a few, and it seems like Sony’s in a great position right now.”
“Grand Theft Auto fans who love the game grew up on PlayStation and we believe that rich heritage will be a deciding factor for many gamers at retail,” said Peter Dille, Senior Vice President, Marketing & PLAYSTATION Network. “This enthusiasm for Grand Theft Auto IV, combined with the excitement behind Gran Turismo 5 Prologue, Metal Gear Solid 4, LittleBigPlanet, and Resistance 2 will further drive PS3 hardware sales.”
With this and so many other AAA games coming out this year, you can't go wrong purchasing Grand Theft Auto IV on the PlayStation 3, or even getting the console for the game.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Grand Theft Auto IV Drove PlayStation 3 Sales
Posted by
5/01/2008 11:34:00 PM
Tags: Grand Theft Auto IV, PlayStation 3, Rockstar Games, Sony Computer Entertainment, Take-Two Interactive
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Just imagine if the game was exclusive to the PS3!
Still, the PS3 has the best line-up of the year so whatever sales they lost by not having GTAIV exclusive to the PS3 will be made up by all the other big titles coming out.
With the blu-ray technology, the PS3 will get many exclusive titles. More space to create means more complex games. That's why I think that the next GTA will be a PS3 exclusive. The Only reason R* made this game available in the X360 was the fear of low sales. But the PS3 version is selling a lot!
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