Sunday, September 16, 2007

Final Fantasy VII Remake: If It Happens

Okay, hints are getting fonder and fonder of a Final Fantasy VII remake for the PlayStation 3, but Square isn't giving the details. Hopefully, TGS 07 will. But lets look into it, if an announcement is made about the remake, what would you want in it? Here's the list that I've gathered up thanks to sources:

1) Improved Graphics to match the next-gen fad, obviously. On par with the tech demo.
2) Better translation then the PSone game. Even the PC version had better translation.
3) Voice acting, maybe the voice overs from Advent Children, but make it look like they are actually talking this time. Have subtitles and the option to turn voice acting off.
4) Keep the good ol' world map, were we can fly free in the Highwind like never before in tech demo 3D.
6) Option to skip the summon animation.
7) More accurate story, so people understand it better. Many people still don't fully understand Final Fantasy VII's story.
8) Update the story with all the retcon from the compilation. For example the fact that Sephiroth jumps into the Lifestream in Last Order rather than Cloud throwing him into it like in the original game. Many people don't like the fact that Squae Enix are changing things in the story, but when Square changes the story, then those changes are official, and that means that some of the events we see happen in the original are outdated compared to what "really*" happened according to the updated story.
9) Online. There were a lot of mini games in Final Fantasy VII. There was chocobo racing, snowboarding, even boxing (the little machine at the Golden Saucer). If we had online, it would be great to play newly enhanced versions of those mini-games with other people around the world. Maybe even Player vs. Player at the Gold Saucer. Perhaps even add Home integration, adding new clothes when you buy the game, like Cloud armor, etc.
10) More side-quests would be nice, but no "revive Aerith"-quest or secret Holy- or Meteor-materias. Only side-quests that don't affect the story. A few extra mini-games for the Golden Saucer and mentioned online mode would be nice too.
11) When we can enter Midgar again, we should be able to go to all the areas of it, not limit ourselves. Even climb over the Sector 7 collapse. Not just Midgar, make everything truly explorable.
12) Random encounters and the Limit Break battle system need to stay.
13) Extra costumes for the main characters.
14) More materia, summons, weapons, and armor for the characters. Along with the weapons, more weapons to fight too.
15) Digitally Remastered music from the original game.
16) Explaination of why Cloud is in Final Fantasy Tactics.
17) Day and Night system, for more realism.
18) Destructible environments, like quake will mess up the ground, fire will burn grass/melt snow, certain attacks will leave grooves or craters in the ground, etc. so at the end of battle you see what effect you had. Also moving fight maps, like the fights still take place in a glass-shatter/swirl type area but your characters move around alot, like at first you run up and attack but don't return to your starting position, you stay where you were, spells and attacks would have a knockback effect, say for example in the fight with palmer, you could knock him back far enough that he would crash through a window in a house and your fight continues there where you'd break chairs and tables during the fight.
19) Have things from the other games and movies in it. A mysterious locked door in Shinra that says Deepground over top, but you can't unlock. Vincents Chaos actually looks like the new Chaos, and Valiant Beast too. Maybe a secret boss somewhere that is a Genesis Clone who survived. Clouds New sword could have a minigame on where to find each one, say you have to find one after you reach Costa del Sol but before you reach Gold Saucer or else you can't get it and can never complete the sword. Have it so when you get the sword it unlocks Omnislash 5. Maybe a fifth limit for all characters as well. Also make an event where you can find the Sherra.
20) Ability to keep all vehicles and not have the Tiny Bronco disappear after you get the Highwind.
Well, those are the best of the best, gathered from my source. Drop a comment, tell us what you think of the list. Got something to add? We just might add it.

[Via GS Forums]


redx said...

i like the idea what i like it more Omnislash 5 that was good one but PLEASE LEAVE IT AS IT IS 12 TO 13 OR MORE HIT WITH UNBELIEVABLE MOVE

Anonymous said...

I like these ideas, the only two i dont like is making the story easier to understand (iwas 7 when iplayed this game and i understood it, if you cant understand it, don't have children lol), also the sword quest, he only gets the new sword after the final battle with sephiroth, so i would see no where to put it, unless you could roam the world after completeing the ain story line and do some more secret quests that kind of introduce the film and dirge. For example, find Denzel and start the orphanage, or help with the building of the new city edge. You should email this list to square-enix, but state that you give up all ownership of these ideas and allow square to use the otherwise they cant use them for fer of by being sued. lol ill end my essay now...come on square!! bring back cloud and aeris togther in those wicked graphics (with more cut scenes for their love story :) )

Anonymous said...

i like the ideas but they should leave the story line as it is and enhance the battle Graphics and make cloud more lively thane ever and make the magics do more dameg like ice make the enemy feel to cold and make him exhail cold air and reflect make some kind of mirror in front of the charector make for vincent a bigger role and story like the others he earend it make new limit breaks and make new weapons make the jenova ceils more lively make new materia and summons new enhanced monsters that give a hard time to defeat and PLZ leave the battle sestyme as it is it"s the best thing in the game hope for a remake it"s the smart thing to do

Anonymous said...

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