Sunday, September 16, 2007

onAXIS: Ratchet & Clank Demo Impressions

Alright, as you know, I've picked up the demo for Ratchet & Clank yesterday at my local GameStop, and I promised impressions today. So that is what your going to get.

Lets start off with the CG cut scenes. They are marvelously done, you can tell the developers of this game spent a lot of time perfecting them. There are screens below to prove it, bad quality though because of the camera phone.

The weaponry in this game is great, and some are quite entertaining. The weapons in the demo are the Combuster, Fusion Grenade, Transmorpher, and the Groovitron. The Groovitron and Transmorpher are quite funny. The Groovitron gets your enemies into the beat and they start dancing while you get a chance to attack. The Transmorpher turn your enemies into penguins. Screens below.

The gameplay in Ratchet & Clank Future is also very fun, with a little bit of new, with some old school mixed. We still have the wrench as our secondary slasher, we have the double jump, Clank helipcoter, crouching, bolt collecting, etc.

The demo also uses jump transfer, you go on a green triangular platform and jump, when that happens, you jump really high on to the next platform. There are pink ones too, they automatically shoot you up when you touch them.

The demo uses rails a lot, picture Sonic, but slower, but you can't blame Ratchet, he's not the world's fastest hedgehog. The railing is quite fun, pieces break, electric cords come about, and you have to dodge all those bits. You can even grind on train rails, which you will have to switch between before the train hits you.

The fighting is pretty much the same as other games. Use your cool weapons and wrench to take down the enemies.

The game also has some SIXAXIS functionality. When your falling, you use your controller to avoid the Rush Hour.

Thats about all there is to this demo. It ends just after it looks like your about to fight some giant 5-6 legged robot. Then we get the sad screen of disappointment that states "Coming Fall 2007". I guess we will have to wait.

All in all, if I had to give this demo a grade, based on categories, this is what it'd get:
Graphics: 9.4
Gameplay: 9.3
Music: 8.3
Replay Value: 8.8
Overall: 8.9
Congratulations Insomniac, for making such a great game!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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