Saturday, October 20, 2007

KILLZONE 2: Interview: Michiel van der Leeuw (Part 1)

Few people at Guerrilla Games know the ins and outs of the Killzone 2 engine as well as technical director Michiel van der Leeuw does. caught up with the veteran games developer to chat about his views on Killzone 2, the PlayStation 3, and what working at Guerrilla is like. The first half of this interview is presented here; check back next week for part 2.

What’s your current role within Guerrilla? What are your chief responsibilities?

I am currently Technical Director at Guerrilla. I go around putting my nose into everybody's business – especially if their business has anything to do with workflow, engine features, or new ideas. My main responsibilities include running the eight-man tech team and overseeing the four-man tools team. I also make sure that the engine technology we have is suitable for our game. My team and I mostly deal with the engine side, which includes graphics and sound, as well as the technology used by the other coders to get their work to run properly on PlayStation 3.

In the end, I'm the fall guy if our game gets low grades for frame drops or something like that. If our team delivers a smooth-running, gorgeous-looking product, I avoid getting hurt.

Read the full interview at the link.

[Read: Michiel van der Leeuw Interview]