Surfer Girl is at it again, but this time, we have pictures. The picture above describes the classes and weapons of Resistance: Fall of Man 2's multiplayer online mode. Such weapons include the M4 A-1 Automatic Rifle, the SW59 Pistol, and more.
This image depicts the gameplay features and such in Resistance: Fall of Man 2. These include split screen (1-4 players), bots, and online play.
It also shows the vehicles of the humans and chimera, with the humans getting vehicles like the Heavy Tank, and Chimeras getting vehicles like the Air Fighter.
This also dosplays some of the online gameplay modes, including the regular deathmatch, last man standing, king of the hill, keep away, and capture the flag.
An interesting tidbit in this chart seems is in the Extended Community Features, which are game replays (which can hopefully be saved to the HDD), so now we may be able to put our chimera killings online. There are also clans, tournaments, "Frag of the Day" highlight reels, and Grudge matches, along with live scoreboards.
The chart above describes the levels in the game. We will be visiting places from San Francisco to the Badlands (not the Philly hood people). As of now, I have no reason to doubt Surfer Girl, one would not go this far.
[Via Surfer Girl]
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Surfer Girl: Resistance 2 Map, Classes, & Weapons Details
Posted by
11/14/2007 12:41:00 AM
Tags: Insomniac Games, Resistance 2
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Who in the hell is this chick?!?
for all we know, it's probably a guy! lol. oh, it's been said that her account was hacked. is that true or a rumor?
Yeah, it's true, she ended up getting it back though.
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