Today's PLAYSTATION Store update has arrived. We have a nice new selection added to the online store. Let's see what we have in store for us today.
DemosTheres your update. The videos and add-ons are great, but one demo? What about the cheapos? It'd be nice to give us some new demos or fill in missing spots such as SmackDown vs. Raw 2008, Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 (US), NCAA March Madness 08, BlackSite: Area 51, or Half Life 2: The Orange Box.PSone Classics
- TimeShift Multiplayer Demo (free)
- Wild Arms ($5.99)
- High Velocity Bowling ($9.99)
Game Videos
- MotorStorm Falfer Domino ($0.99)
- Folklore Add-On Bundle 1 ($5.99)
- Folklore Add-On 1 ($3.99)
- Folklore Add-On 2 ($3.99)
- Rock Band Black Sabbath Pack 1 ($5.49)
- "N.I.B."* ($1.99)
- "Sweet Leaf" ($1.99)
- "War Pigs" ($1.99)
Blu-Ray Disc Trailers
- Grand Theft Auto IV "Move Up, Ladies" Trailer (free)
- Metal Gear Solid 4: TGS 2007 Trailer (free)
- Uncharted: Drake's Fortune "Enviorments" Video (free)
- TimeShift FPS Video 3 (free)
- Turok Interview Trailer 1 (free)
- Battlefield: Bad Company "Frostbite" Video (free)
- The Legend of Zorro Trailer (free)
- Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction Theme (free)
- Uncharted: Drake's Fortune Theme (free)
PLAYSTATION Store Worldwide
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